By Michael Weir
I think that the secret is in access to multiple weapons and the capability to use them. Multiple scenarios will present themselves whether it be a single walker or a hoard of them. Obviously, you won't want to take on a hoard with a sword nor a single walker with a loud, concussive weapon if you can help it (no need to call more). I carry two principle melee weapons: a generation two irish broadsword and sog tactical tomahawk (both of which I have worked with extensively) I also carry an xd .45 and an ar15. With these weapons I have range and close in covered.
blades are fine and all. but blades have one major drawback. one that not many either know about or tend to ignore. no matter how well you maintain them. blades will eventually break. reason being is because of the edge they have. its the weakest part. it can only take so much of being slammed into bone till one day they just snap. the Cold Steel line of polypropylene weapons wont do that. being you have had some training with martial arts weapons. you might wanna check into their training swords. they are full sized trainers shaped like the katana and wakizashi but are made of the same material as the police batons. they even carry escrima sticks made of the same stuff. and like the brooklyn smashers and war clubs they are guaranteed not to break, warp, splinter, crack or weaken in bad weather.
to tell you the truth baby i dont have a lot of know how on the subject of guns its self. Its one of those things I am still learning... thats why one of my writers did this... but I would probably prefer a blade of some sort... because I do have 2 black belts and have studied self defense for about 20 years... I am just more comfortable with a combat weapon and i have learned when it comes to weapons that are better for the job or weapons that you are more comfortable with it is most of the time better to go with the one you are more comfortable with. plus the best thing is you never have to reload :) but i do agree that practical is very much the way to go :) :)
all fantasy weapons aside. i tend to be a realist on this one. i recommend going with a weapon that is easy to buy, stockpile, and scavenge ammo for.
rifle wise. i use this mix up.
home defence:
1) AK47 assault rifle
2) Mossberg 590 Military/Police Shotgun
Reason being there is not a place in Ohio that you cant find ammo for these long guns. Here you can find the ammo in Walmart and most ANY sporting goods store that sells guns and ammo.
Now if i had to bug out of my digs. That is where simplicity is the key for survival. That is where a good .22 caliber rifle comes in handy. They are very good for anything in the 50-100 yard range and can bust through a human/zombie skull with great ease. This is my choice.
I will be wearing a TACTICAL VEST that looks like this.
Each of the rifle magazine pouches will have one of these in them for the rifle.
They are a 50 round magazine giving a total of 200 rounds at close hand for the Ruger 10/22 rifle.
.22 caliber ammo is real light and easy to carry. It also takes up less space then AK ammo in 7.62x39 caliber and way less then 12 gauge shotgun shells. When it comes to a hand gun. I will be having two of them on me. one in the TACTICAL VEST HOLSTER and another on the belt. Here are some examples of the ones i will be using.
In each pistol mag pouch on the vest will be four 15 round mags for this pistol and on the belt will be a holster for this pistol.
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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