Wicked Zombies


"Look the point is we're out alright? We can't blame who or why but we're outta water so we can either do one of two things wait till it rains which could be a while or run down to the lake and get some there either way it don't look good till we get some" We'd run out of water last night and the tap water system don't work no more either so we've been arguing on whose fault it is then Rooster stepped in

It was funny because we were in a town famous for it's clear white water, anyway we got plenty of food this old armory turned basketball court has plenty of canned foods and is solid built to last a nuke so we're safe it's a big building though two stories and 6 or 7 doors we've had to barricade except for this back gate that lead down to the basement that's where we parked the jeep

I look up and said "Well shit we don't need to go all the way to the lake to get some water plus then we'd have to boil it anyway there's a culligan storage warehouse on Racine st. it's just of Main and is only a block away" Rachel looked skeptically at me "How do you know it hasn't been looted like everything else?" I replied "Well for one very few people knew bout the warehouse to begin with and two it's big heavy doors and windows would be a deterent"

Rooster said "Alright the warehouse it is then Rachel you and Tommy get to the roof with the rifles and cover Michael and I comprende?" They just nodded Rooster and I headed for the basement an towards the jeep

When we hopped in I asked "Hey in case we die I've always wanted to know why do they call you Rooster?" Rooster looked at the dash then directly at me and said "Because when I did speed I'd climb to the highest building and cockadoodledo" he was ashamed about his past but he was completly focused on the task at hand

I hopped back out and opened the manual gate and held it just long enough for me to quick jump through before it hit the bottom I then jumped back into the car and we headed out

By the time we made it to the warehouse which was little more than 30 seconds there was a band of idiots following us not bothering with stealth Rooster just rammed the jeep through the garage door when we got out we saw crate upon crate of culligan jugs you know the kind you put in a water cooler?

Anyway so we start loading them in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 our car was so low to the ground when we made our one turn some wheel burned off but when I turned around to get into the car there was a deadhead standing right there he was a big hulking motherfucker probably one of those cornfed hicks I went to school with

There was a big crowbar probably used for opening the crates next to me I yelled "LETS DANCE MOTHERFUCKER!!" I ran at him with the crowbar he grabed it with his big hands he was stronger than I expected he shoved me to the ground with his big frame on top of me his teeth snapping at my face the only thing stopping him was the crowbar

I put my knee in his groun and shoved upward he flew over me and fell on his back I took up the crowbar and smashed his head in I yelled to Rooster who was trying to get one last jug in "We gotta go now!" He dropped it and just hopped in the back just before I floored it

The gate was open when we got back with the water and Rachel and Tommy were waiting to make sure no unwanted guests got in that night we gorged ourselves in celebration just another day in the wasteland

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Blog Posts

Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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