ok, first things first. our intel gathering op was a massive butt fucking catastrophe. we failed our mission, lost half of the squad, and had to fight our way out of one of the worst cluster fucks i've yet been privy to. but i'm on the clock, so that story will have to wait until another time.
we found out afterwards that we were just one of several teams attempting untested methods of getting Romeo into those creepy ass labs we're not allowed to enter. quite a few never made it back, those that did suffered heavy losses. but somehow some heavy hitters from some black op group found a way to bring some of the fuckers into custody and in the condition the lab coats wanted. no one's revealed exactly how they did it.
that was 2 weeks ago. no one's saying shit about what's going on in those air tight, sealed science buildings. so basically, we got kicked in our dicks and have yet to see anything for the effort.
so Hester and i decided that 'fuck that', we're not having this bullshit. someone needs to tell us something we can go on. for fuck's sake, it's bad enough we got the Revenants outside the gates, but having them inside our compound? not without getting something for the loss of my fucking quiet time, god damn it.
turns out this pog admin filing reports for division command is a proper shady motherfucker. we'd seen the guy around, trying to be a bad ass but still has yet to tangle with Romeo. apparently, he's trying to prove himself and has been trying to get assigned to a combat patrol. kids these days, man... i just don't fucking understand the bastards. somehow he gets it in his head that what he needs is a fucking RPG to get some respect in the nice, secure office he spends all his time inside. and you know what? someone actually had a fucking RPG up for grabs. and that asshole was me. Hester and i were able to snag a beat to hell RPG7 and some rounds during our time with Ivan and that circus freak smuggled the shit back to the states.
so we agree to loan him the fucking thing, traded the rounds for some high grade contraband and 10 minutes to go through all the high level, classified reports going between the labs and the CG. i think the kid would've signed over his own sister if he could've, he wasn't too interested in whatever was in those reports. but did he have a fucking hard on for that rocket launcher.
so Hess and i swiped today's reports before command could sign for them. holy fucking shit... no wonder they haven't said anything yet. here's what we could find out-
they still don't know what's turning fat fuck Joe Shitbag into a horror movie extra, but they did confirm some shit we've been piecing together for awhile now.
people get 'infected' only through 'oral introduction of the unknown contagion,' so only worry about getting bitten for now. what's more is that the greenish, black sludge Romeo keeps drooling is the crucial factor. that shit gets in your open wounds, time for that buckshot sandwich, kids. we read dozens of reports confirming that survivors of Revenant attacks had been bitten, but weren't slathered in whatever the fuck Romeo keeps in his mouth and never turned.
oh yeah... some of the fuckers actually do rot. i couldn't understand the terms in the papers, but it has something to do with whatever shit that turns people going wrong. it's not common, but it happens.
and for the kicker- the fuckers ARE changing. we don't have the full details yet, only what we could make sense of from our resident geek squad, but apparently, there's 2 distinct types of motherfucking zombies. from what we saw, it looks like some sort of progression... evolution of something too fucked up to think about. and that's not counting the decomposing puss bags, so technically, you got 3 to look out for.
the rotters are a fucking joke, according to the files we had, so don't stress over them. your average Revenant you all know can be a motherfucker if he's got friends in town, but is easy to drop.
the ones we're not supposed to talk about are some medieval sons a bitches, though. they're faster, more agile, more intelligent and overall just fucking nasty. and get this shit- the fuckers can heal over time if you don't kill them. to add a topping to the 'fuck you' entree, they've been confirmed to coordinate in small groups to hunt and kill armed civilians. and to really make your fucking day, we found digitals that showed some of the motherfuckers that had grown claws. fucking CLAWS.
look, we're not supposed to know this shit, and neither are you. but this is what we're fucking dealing with and someone has to put the word out about the shit the brass wants to hold in it's lazy ass pocket for a minute or two. fuck that, people die because this shit isn't out there. hell, WE haven't even been briefed on this shit yet, it's all what we figure out that keeps us alive from hour to hour.
anyways, time's up. clearing a section of the business district later tonight, gotta track down some 'non-regulation' supplies before work.
i'll post anything else i find out. stay hard, fuckers.
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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