Wicked Zombies


Twitchers AKA the out of commission but still kicking zombies. They disturb Me quite frankly as if they could possibly be any more disturbing. Any who I digress.. TWITCHERS (Target Warning Inhuman Threat Classified Hazards Effectiveness Reduced Sub-mobile.) And they make a lot of racket floundering around on the ground and all.

A head shot with a 22 is not enough some say as it will leave most in the twitcher state but it is quiet and a second shot will finish them off.

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Comment by KOMRAD RHINO☭ on May 15, 2009 at 6:59pm
when it comes down to it, a twitcher is no real threat. i do admit that i for one feel better using a second bullet to finish it off though. never hurts to be safe. quizlings are the real threat. those are people who mentally lost it and try to act like the thing that scared them into insanity to survive. meaning they will act like zombies but are not. a quizling will eat you as fast as a zombie will, the only differance is their bites are harmless and dont infect. sad thing is this. when a quizling tries to walk among the zombies, the zombies will sniff them out and eat them no differently then they would you or me. so if you see a group of zombies eating a person who is not even screeming and just lay there and twitch. 9 times out of 10 they are eating a quizling. in my opinion its easier to just put them both down the same way. one in the old brain bucket. the likelyhood of ever getting a quizling to live a normal life is non existant. you would be doing them a favor in the end.
Comment by Sherry on April 18, 2009 at 10:35pm
Well I have (2) 22 rifles and I am very good with them and I have lots and lots of ammo for them. I have a Winchester Mod 77 and a Remington 514. The Rim 514 is just a single shot but it has a very long barrel and is quiet, with it I can light a strike anywhere match or take the head of a dandelion from almost 50 feet away. So I think I could put one threw a zombies eye at a good 100 feet. That and back in PI My grandfather used to kill his pigs with a 22.
Comment by Komrad DarcZombie on April 14, 2009 at 8:34pm
Twitchers are annoying! Great post. I do believe that if you custom load or use dum-dum 22 rounds they'll easily finish off a twitcher. However a standard round probably wouldn't.

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