Wicked Zombies


The things I saw during the Infected years were terrible somethings I'd rather talk about over a case of Jack Daniels but since we don't got no god damn Jack I guess I'll stick to this what did you call it? -a mojito- A mojito huh? Sounds gay but it's better than nothing anyway you want to know what I saw what I did? -yes- Fine the thing for me that opitimizes the infected years is this story

*chugs mojito*

It was my first day on the Wall I was green as grass and didn't know what the fuck I was doing probably had no business up there anyway but I was and I was going to do my best I was 16 by the way so I sat there with some kind of rock song blasting the distance with a mounted M-60

I sat there for hours until I heard something a moan or did I hear a moan I thought was I imagining things? Then a twig snapped and I swivled my 60 over to the general area where the noise came from and I unload expending somewhere between a 100 and 150 rounds into the area and that's when what made the noise came out from behind the bushes and trees it was a kid younger than I was in his little kimono karate kid uniform

He was full of bullet holes and I mean just full of them there wasn't anymore than 2 inches between holes on his whole body anyways I was about to hop over the wall and help him when he moaned that incessant, bone chilling moan "BRAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIINNNNNNSSSSSS" and then I saw a tiny hole appear in his head right between the eyes he fell back stone cold dead...again

I looked up and saw a man I'd never seen before in my life he said to me "Damn poor kid but oh well better him them us right?" I looked down and didn't answer and then he kneeled beside me and said "Look you can't dwell on this shit otherwise you'll go nuts just thing of them as deer in the woods aight?" I answered "aight" and then puked

Now my friend that's something I saw and at 16 just deer in the woods? Damn you know what happened to that guy? 3 days later I was the one who had to put a round between his eyes when he got mauled and bit Those are the things that I saw and that I had to do Mr. Anderson now please tell what the fuck have you done?

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Comment by Kitty Chainsaw on May 25, 2010 at 10:44pm
That's a good analogy..."deers in the wood",you gotta distance yourself from what it is you're doing forsure.They are no longer people after all & savage like predatory animals.(not that deer are predatory or savage ;) lol)

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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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