Wicked Zombies


I could count on one hand how many hours of sleep I got that night the dead would be pounding on the doors and occaisionally there would be a single shot to take out a particularly ravenous one and then I'd drift back to a nightmare infested sleep

Then finally I awoke for the 9th time and the lightes were on and the sun was shining I smelt food todays breakfest campers is Borch I chuckled to myself at that thought and then lifted myself up and packed my shit into my duffle I then sheathed my bowie holster my colt and shouldered my Barret and after all that I walked over to Ivan

"Hey Ivan what's in the pot?" Ivan replied in a heavy russian accent "The last cowboy I met!" after that he laughed loudly and boastfully I laughed with him and then smelt the pot "smells good Ivan" Ivan stopped laughing and said "Back during Var I vas cook on typhoon" I said to him "No shit, I was in the Rangers sniper unit" Ivan just nodded and gave me a piece of meat I didn't know what it was I tasted it, it was okay but it need something extra I thought about it for a while and then It came to me...Tobasco I whipped out my little bottle of it and poured it on

So my breakfest was pretty good even though what I was eating could of been cowboy but I doubted it after that I stood up grabbed my duffle and said to Ivan "Show me" he said "Guud" we both walked out of the Bar Ivan's AK-74 in his arms my Barret resting on my shoulder and my duffle hanging across my chest I looked around and noticed it was snowing heavily but there was no wind today

Ivan turned and began walking west inland granted I didn't know if this was a trap or not but I suspected it could be but it could be him showing me as well anyway we walked a very brisk pace almost a run we crossed over the berm surrounding the town and then Ivan started off at a light jog because for 2 reasons 1 there were a few of Zack stumbling around and 2 because neither of us wanted to be in the open for very long

So we repeated that process walk across berm jog a mile give or take and then walk acorss a berm we did that 14 times so in all I figured we'd cover 15 miles in 5 hours that was pretty good and then we got to the 15th berm Ivan stopped and crouched low I noticed and began pulling out my ghillie suit I put on the suit and then started putting bits of burlap over my rifle that was already spray painted white and gray after that I unfolded the bi-pod, crouched and followed Ivan who was already near the top of the berm

Ivan said to me "Just over hill" I nodded and then made a sssshhh sound as I started crawling towards the top of the hill when I got to the peak I started moving snail pace I finally got to the hill after nearly half an hour I looked down into the basin and saw the house the building was just close enough for me to see through the heavy snow

I looked into my scope and saw that there was nearly a hundred guys around the house I looked into the main bedroom and saw Zhukov sitting there jacking off I nearly broke out laughing but then I got serious this was a tough shot and at nearly a mile in poor visibility without a spotter just made it that much tougher

I cocked the rifle and got into 'it' my breathing went into a slow deliberate shallow breaths everything slowed down I cocked my rifle aimed fired miss shot again fire miss by now Zhukov was scrambling to take cover fire hit the round passed right through his heart and watched him fall I let out a nice long sigh and then said "Ivan we gotta go NOW" I lifted up my barret and started sprinting with Ivan I was laughing my ass off and said to Ivan "You know what that guy was doing when I shot 'im?" Ivan looked over "Vhat?" I made a jacking off motion and we both laughed histerically

We crossed 4 berms and then tured and saw there was a pickup crossing the basin I said to Ivan "You think what I'm thinking?" Ivan said "Oh yeah" I shouldered my barret and took out my colt they got to within 20 feet and I popped up and shot the guy right in the head and then the guy sitting next to him and then the guy on the bed that was just starting to draw his AK

I jumped into the car and Ivan jumped in as well and I floored it to where the helicoptor was supposed to be we roared passed the bar and saw the chopper I just hopped out of the car without even parking the car or stopping I ran up to the pilot and said "TIME TO MAKE YOUR PAY MOTHERFUCKER LET'S GO" he popped up and ran to the side of the chopper and jumped in and started up the chopper I said to Ivan "You should come back to the states with me" Ivan looked around as if contemplating and then just said "okay"

The chopper dusted off and I looked down into the cold black waters of the bearing strait I finally got my 76th kill I whipped out my knife and carved it into the butt of my rifle and said to myself "Mhm"

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Comment by Kitty Chainsaw on June 6, 2010 at 3:33pm
Exciting stuff.I liked the humor in the middle ;)

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Blog Posts

Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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