Wicked Zombies


I blew out of that door like a bat outta hell I turned and saw the street was full of kids decked out in black I thought oh shit but they wouldn't catch me I knew that much

I holstered my pistols and kicked it into overdrive I turned down an alley and then took a left there was a downed fire escape and I ran up it I was on a roof and saw that the building next to it was close maybe a 5 foot gap I felt like pulling some Assassin's Creed type shit so I ran and jumped over the gap just in time too because them punks were right behind me

I turned around and yelled "HEY ASSHOLES SUCK MY DICK YOU PREBUSENT BITCHES" they didn't like that and they hopped over the gap as well I said "SHIT" and started running again I saw another fire escape and flew down it I was back in the street and saw a car which was intact and was just sitting there I ran to it, it was a oldsmobile, I busted a window and whipped out my knife I looked out the side window and saw the fuckers running towards me I stuck the knife in the ignition and turned it hoping the car would start

there was some sputtering, I reved the engine and the car came to life it had half a tank and the kids were just 10 feet away when I sped off in my new ride I stuck my head outta the window "FUCK YOU" and then hit another car the engine stopped I hopped outta the car again thanking god I wore my seatbelt I figured if I was gonna go out I'm gonna take some of these assholes with me

I grabbed my other colt from the back seat and unholstered the other one and shot into the crowd that was heading towards me I took out two and then they crowded around me one guy came up with a axe he got a shot to the heart then another tried to come from behind with a bat and he got a shot to the head both killed

I took three more shots into the group after that I only had 5 shots left with one pistol I whipped out my machete from my back and with it in my right hand and my pistol in my left I was ready to tango I felt arms around me and then saw a guy coming up with a lead pipe I threw my machete at him and then looked down and shot the guy holding me in the foot I pistol whipped him in the head and then ran to grab my machete there was a guy coming at me with a katana I ducked and cut through his midsection with my machete he was cut in half

there was a guy I saw in my peripherals with a wooden club I stood while whirling around and cut his throat with the tip of my machete a big guy came out of the crowd he had a big ass sledge hammer I smirked and just shot him square in the face then some a chick came at me with a kitchen knife and I just threw my machete at her hitting her square in the chest I then ran and picked up an axe on the ground still holding pistol in hand and nailed a guy square in the shoulder right between the neck and then actual tip of the shoulder

They all backed up watching their friends die I turned and saw they all backed way up like 20 feet I waltz over to the girl with my machete put my boot on her face and pulled it out and turned to the crowd and said "I told you I didn't want any trouble and that I was just passing through" they were all silent and then Shanker came out from the crowd and said "Let's say we finish this hmmm? One on one?" I said "Fine no guns *I threw my colt away* no weapons * I threw my machete on the ground* a fist fight"

He smirked and said "Your on" I took off my pack and my belt and stood there waiting for his ass, he came over and we stood there 4 feet apart for a while and then he threw a punch I lifted up my left arm catching his arm on the inside of my elbow and then I punched him in the gut 3 times I pushed him back then he came at me again throw face shots I covered up and then lowered my right and came up with a big upper cut he was down grabbing his mouth I was about 1 foot away when he came up with an upper cut of his own nailing me and then it went red

I went ballistic I grabbed him by the neck and started punching his face over and over watching as blood streamed out of his nose and the cuts on his face I felt the cracking of bone under my knuckle and then I felt the pop as I hit his eyes watching them pop and the jelly come up I had killed him I killed that kid I dropped him and saw his face it looked more like a fruit salad then a face

I let out a long shuddered breath I looked around at the kids and then said "Go home" and then I picked up my stuff and started walking while contemplating what I'd just done I had just killed 15 teenagers now I gotta live with that for the rest of my increasingly short life

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Comment by Kitty Chainsaw on June 11, 2010 at 9:28pm
you didin't have an option...kill or be killed.

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Blog Posts

Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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