Wicked Zombies


Before the incident I was at the ass end of a major investigation of the firm I'd worked in my boss had taken bribes from the mob they interviewed everyone but that's the past

Now I'm actually a gun runner I fill the bed of my ford raptor and bring them into besieged cities and areas granted I do charge whatever they have food, booze, drugs, medical supplies, water, filters, gold, silver, diamonds, and gas, I'll take anything of value because I gotta make something off this and keep the guns and ammo coming
So I'd sometimes think about all that when driving from the armory in Northern New York it's a long drive no matter where I go shit I've been stuck driving all the way to fucking Kansas City long drive but hey it helped some good people almost got me killed in the process though
Anyway this weeks job was New York City....always a fun town granted it's still fucking crawling with zeds I had an order of 5 cases of AR-15s 100,000 rounds and an M-107 sniper rifle with some of these new long distance rounds
I looked through my binocs and saw that....the streets were almost empty I started heading for the flat iron building where the client was I opened the windows on my car put in my driving CD and turned it to full volume first song came on Full of Regret-Danko Jones

Then I rolled cross the Queensboro Bridge down 60th took on 63rd roared down that screamed down 23rd street and drift left onto 5th all that was in a earth-shattering 54.67 seconds I honked my horn and saw a guy open a gate I back in my truck over all these dead bodies I got out and asked the guy "Wheres Michael Dorian?" he didn't bother looking up he just kept unloading and said "He's in the next room" I turned around and opened the door to another room nothing special just another dark room

I walked in and sat down in front of a man I pressumed to be him I asked "You michael?" the man said "Yes actually and you are?" I replied "My name doesn't concern you what should concern you is how you intend to pay me" the man laughed and said "what would you like?" I answered "40 gallons of gas 4 crates of your finest whiskey vodka gin and rum....each, I want a weeks worth of MREs and water, also I'd like as many cans of baluga caviar you got and that's it."

Dorian said "How can you be sure I can supply you with all these things?" I answered "Because I know before the world went to hell you were a multi billionaire that's how you got this awesome hideout, these guards the security I also know a guy like you will stockpile everything and anything he wants, now get my payment"

He sends 4 men to load up all of my new stuff Dorian looks right at me and says "How did you know about me?" I answered "Well Mr. Dorian because I worked for you" a guard walked in and said "Your stuff is ready" Dorian looked at me again and said "Ah you worked at the firm were you high in the business?" I answered "No I was a lowly accountant" he smiled "Won't you tell me your name?" I looked him dead in the eye and said "My name...is Mathew Yale and when I told you I'd have my vengeance for blaming the bribes on me when I had no fucking clue it was even happening I meant it"

His facial expressions turned to stone and fear as I whipped out my .357 magnum and shot him 4 times in the gut I then said "That'll give you some time to think about what you did" I ran out shooting one, two, three, four guards all of his security I hopped in my car and started honking my horn loudly watching as stiffs poured out of the buildings and into the streets

I put the key into the ignition and blasted it the fuck outta there not stopping for anything I burned across the queensboro bridge again and said "I got the son of a bitch"

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Blog Posts

Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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