YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE...MAYBE TWICE! this will make ya laugh!
right so i'm gonna get the question outta the ways first: What Would You Say If You Were Meeting An Extraterrestrial?
so i'm still ill but i'm guessing my bodys natural painkillers must have kicked in cos i dont feel quite as terrible as last night but i am starving!didnt hold any food or drink down all of yesterday apart from half a bag of malteasers(nom nom nommmmm,i'll be ordering paul to get me more of those since my tummy is tolerating them,thats right I WEAR THE TROUSERS BABY!lol)bella is feeling a bit better i think.
anyhoo so again the zombie dreams,this time as well as my core survival group(me,paul,bella,my mum,my lil sister leah,my big brother kevin and his fiancee laura,my little godsister neena and my godmother helen) my ex and his kids were there...i'm guessing i took pity and saved his sorry lame ass cos he had the kids with him,otherwise i would've gladly chopped him up and fed him to the zeds,some people from my old high school were there too but that kinda makes sense cos the ones that were there were the ones i still talk to(aimee,she's still my best mate who knows most of my secrets!) and also the smartest dude in my yeargroup too(whom i recently found out has had a crush on me since we were about eleven,he told me on facebook when we started talking a few months ago,weird cos in school he never talked to me he just fuckin stared at me like i was a science project he was studying and now all these years later he finally bucked up the courage to talk to me and he's rather sweet) but that makes sense cos he's like a total genius,his knowledge would help keep us alive...
anyhoo,the zombies were semi-smart and hunted us in packs...they had trackers that scented us and then would howl and the packs would descend.we had to find ways to replenish our supplies without the trackers finding us,scary but awesome dream!wish it was legal to have guns here in the UK,might have to join a hunting club so that i can get a gun lisence
anyways i'm off to attempt to eat something,wish me luck,lol!
hell yeah we are!
You make my D cups look like itty bitty titties!
lol they're k-cups,does that make me president of big boobies club?lol
I would tell him if he sticks anything up my ass he's gonna be removing my foot from his. Big boobies club! Yeah Zoe, you definitely got me beat too.
lol i'd probably say
"hi alien dudes,i'm zoe,if you insist on probing me make sure you use lube.have you heard any of linkin park's music?i love them.oh and these arent normal human sized boobies,they're special zoe-sized ones!wanna go hang out at the beach? "
i really would say that.
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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