Alright, so, after playing RE4 for the PC, in pure HD, I've got to say it's pretty nice. For those of you who played Resident Evil 4 on a console, I'm sure you may have noticed that your version got a select couple things. Some got the mine thrower and others got the PLR cannon, and some got the Mauser, and you get what I'm saying. Well, I've been playing through the game, about half-way done since I've got a bit of a busy schedule this week, and I've got to say that it's going swimmingly. The game's controls are a little loose, or rather a little tight at the start, but that can be changed with adjusting the mouse or if you have a wireless controller then altering the controller settings. After that, you've got a full on gaming experience. It only has the downsides of the consoles or the original PC version if you purchased that when it came out. That means occasionally you'll flip yourself around suddenly and fuck up, getting hit by the monster behind you when you were trying to aim or run past it instead. Sometimes you'll find it difficult to aim, but I think that was just me and Leon's limp wrist that causes the laser to drag down at a vertical angle before slipping back upwards.
After a while the aim improved as I got more used to the controls, but that doesn't fix that you're still playing a game where your character can't move while he's aiming, which makes sense seeing as how you as a gamer probably wouldn't run around too much while you're shooting and the weak aim your character has would just throw your arms around while trying to shoot. So yeah, I guess it has a few negatives, but it brings back in a lot that RE4 offered to us. It returns with it's tense, occasional horror scenes, the strategic use of ammo and the excitement and elation of finding a bunch of ammo only to realize you're going to spend it all and they just didn't want you to rage quit the game. The HD version is definitely fun, even if it's simply the original that looks better, which I hate to say it, but that's actually the only real benefit of having this game in HD if you've already purchased the original PC version. If you haven't, well now you get to play Resident Evil 4 on the PC, get HD graphics, a great experience and story, and realize how much Leon talks to himself and doesn't give a shit half the time, while the other half of the time getting surprised. That's an over exaggeration, though. He doesn't do that too much, just enough that makes you realize this was a game set in 2004 by a Japanese company. The guns are pretty slick, and the HD version gives you all of them that can be available. That's two rifles, one TMP, three shotguns, three revolvers, four handguns, three rocket launchers, a mine thrower, a pulse cannon, three grenades, and plenty of eggs to hurl at enemies!
All in all, it feels like a great game because it is, and it has so many perks to it that it just feels right, like a tightly made game that's got a lot of love, affection, and care built into it. Jokes to be had, things to be analyzed, and ripping your hair out as you try to figure Luis out exactly, only getting loose bits of information that help you figure out he's part scientist, part information trader, part caretaker, and all ladies' man.
The game is for sale on Steam for $19.99, as well as numerous other Resident Evil games and some other zombie-based games like DayZ or Project Zomboid, both of which I play. <---- Store Page.
you know... i think this is the best review i've ever read. seriously. too bad we can't have you review movies and books and whatnot more often around here.
i'm sold. gotta get. lol.
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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