Been roaming the net checking out these sites with Zombie Survival Lists...I've been to actual Survival Sites to the CDC website to even Store sites in which they claim to have the best survival lists throughout the world...
And from what I've seen on all these sites, even the CDC so-called Disaster Lists, that everyone of them are trying to give good advice, but most of their advice and suggestions are so bogus that no wonder people are confused on where to start or even how to figure out what they need in their survival kit...
I know these sites mean well and are trying to help people become better prepare, but it's so hard for even veteran Zombie preppers to decipher that I can only image how a beginning Zombie prepper would feel...
With so many sites claiming to be the ULTIMATE in Zombie Survival or all the sites out there that claim the creators or owners of the sites being Zombie Experts, that those who don't know seem to flock to them...But once you sign up for that site and begin trying to find information on the subjects in which you need help with, it becomes a encrypted search through tons of absolute bullshit that clutters your brain with information in which will result in mine or even your death...
For the next few weeks I will be taking all the Zombie Survival Guides from Max Brooks, Zombie Survival Guide to Roger Ma's The Zombie Combat Manual to many of the zombie guides I have on my Kindle fire and will be comparing all the information from these survival guides to even a lot of the information that is also found on the net...
So as the research begins, I wanted to let everyone know, I'm not going to sugar coat anything...I will be writing a full scale report that will cover a wide range of information...The beginning of the report will most likely start with misconceptions and even disinformation in which the public has been feed throughout the ages about zombies...
These will be my journey into becoming a true certified Zombie Expert...After researching, who knows, maybe my report will become something of a survival guide...(LOL)
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I hear ya on this one bro. There are so many uninformed people out there and for those uninformed out there. There is ALWAYS a loud mouth out there claiming to be able to tell what to do and be an expert. And when those so called experts are put to the test. They bomb out so badly. And I cant agree with you more on their advise and how it will get thousands killed. What the average person does not realize is that a B.O.B. has to be customized to that persons needs. They for the most part fail to mention this and tell what they feel is needed. And to hear the advise of these so called experts would be actually laughable if it were not for the danger aspects when it comes to weapons of the Z-POC. I mean look at what some of them say when it comes to firearms. They recommend firearms for the most part that takes specialized training. Same when it comes to melee weapons. I mean look at the katana. That sword is a awesome weapon sure enough. But even the samurai had to be taught for a certain amount of years to master it. And a Z-POC is the absolute last time you want to do crash courses in specialized weapons in. I dont know about anyone else. But if I were a gun and melee weapon virgin. I dont think that trying to learn how to use rocket launchers and M60 machine guns or the katana while a zombie chews on my ass checks is a fun experience. And the fact that you are taking the time to debunk these fools pleases me to no end. If I can help in any way. Count me in. ;-)
Just so everyone doesn't get the wrong idea, is one of the very few sites in which you can ask for help and receive it...And you can trust all the information which is shared here...Why I say that, someone here is always updating or searching for information, which other sites seem to Just talk about guns, ammo and how big someone's @#$% is...knife=@#$% (LOL)
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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