Wicked Zombies


random nightmare 2020:
i lay under a blanket facing downhill with my machine gun. the blanket is to mask our heat signature. some of them hunt by body heat.
another soldier is with me under this blanket, my assistant. i don't know his name, i've forgotten it already. all thanks to my head injuries.
it's night in the forest. we know the horde is coming up this hill. we're here to stop them. or die slowing them down. my night vision is better than my assistant's. part of my infection.
we hear the first explosion. anti-personnel mines we laid out starting a mile out. now we know they're coming. my breath quickens. i hear my assistant start breathing heavily too. i hope he remembers his job.
"stand by for contact," the voice in my headset says more calmly than i know he feels. they're releasing a drone to survey what's coming. it was in our briefing.
thirty seconds later, the voice comes back: "fifty plus hostiles inbound. free fire on targets."
not what we wanted to hear. that meant hundreds coming our way. did we set enough mines?
we could hear them in the distance, popping off one after another. imagining the carnage they did to the rushing demons. knowing they'd pause to devour their fallen didn't help our mindset.
the inner perimeter mines were coupled with flares, to light up target areas. we saw them going off to our left and right. heard the machine guns opening fire. i focused my entire existence through the optic of my machine gun, staring into the darkness.
more flares lit up the night sky. we could hear the mortars behind us dialing in on the horde. more thumps. shrieks filled air from downhill. i slowed my breath and stared into the night.
flares tripped in front of me. 100 meters through the trees. i opened fire. short bursts at whatever i saw moving. the mortars pounded. my gun thumped.
i breathed and prayed to live.
suddenly the voice in my spoke. "no more illumationation rounds. hostiles beyond perimeter. drones are down. free fire on all targets."
that meant we were in the dark. we knew they were coming but couldn't see them. there was no intel coming. it was just us and them. i heard my assistant curse. i told him to give me more ammo.
we heard a man scream somewhere on our left. someone wasn't paying attention. not me though.
i pulled the trigger at everything i thought i saw moving in the dark. for hours. there were more screams. more gunfire.
the voice once again: "standby. nobody move until daybreak."
we didn't move. we kept shooting into the dark. all night.
between the rushes, i could hear the fifty cal sniper rifles going off around me, tracing monsters in the distance.
i can't begin to tell you what i saw when the sun finally rose.

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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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