The sound of shuffling cards filled the room well that and the pounding. We'd been trapped in this cantina for 2 days now just the 3 of us. Passing the time by playing poker, thinning out the 'herd', and drinking but mainly poker. Whole fortunes were won and lost in courses of hours. All of us had money amoung other things. Oh god where are my manners? My name is Doc the two guys with me are Ike and Ringo we've been wandering around for about 2 years now. Back to the story.
I'd just walked down the stairs from the rooms and there Ike and Ringo were right where I'd left them some 5 hours ago. I walked over to the poker table they'd passed out on and said under my breath "Christ you two are gonna get liver cancer before we leave this place." The pounding on the walls was getting louder. Your gonna have to kill them otherwise they'll break down the fucking doors I knew I'd have to but I didn't really wanna. I grab Ringo's Winchester and a box of ammo.
I walked to the top of the stairs and took a ladder to the roof. The sun was barely over the horizon. I leaned over and saw the wall of dead was thicker now I figured I might as well put them out of they're misery. I filled the tube with .45 rounds and started thinning them out. I emptied the box and went back downstairs Ringo and Ike were up. Ringo said to me "I was wondering where my winchester went thanks for thinning them out for me I know it was my turn and all." I replied "You got it the next few times partner where are my Schofields?" Ike said "They're under the b-b-b-BAR." Ike who had a stammer gave them to me. I loved my Schofields they're the best revolver I'd ever had.
I wrapped my pistol belt around my waist and cinched it tight. I said "You know we really oughta get leave soon playing Poker and drinking but we're gonna run out of bullets soon." They both seemed to consider this and agreed. Ike said "W-w-hat did you have in mind?" I said "Well we need to get the horses I'll do that but you two need to be ready to mount up so 10 minutes to pack your shit." Ringo said "Man I liked it here to but hell next town what do you guys think of Deadwood?" I smiled and said "Sounds like your ready for you to lose more of your cash." Ringo laughed and walked upstairs Ike followed.
As they were up there I packed my stuff and cleaned my Schofields, loaded them, and picked up my last ditch weapon a bowie knife. I sheathed it to the back of my pistol belt. I took a shot of wild turkey to calm the nerves. The two came down with saddlebags over each shoulder. I said "So here's the plan we'll all run to the stable you two get the horses ready I'll cover the front door got it?" Ike said "Y-y-yeah."
We ran out they were on us like flies on shit I drew both Schofields and hit 1 2 3 4. But more kept coming we ran for the stable. The two got in I stood in the door and faced the gates of hell. They came at me I shot 7 and realized I was out I holstered my Schofields. Grabbed my Bowie I stabbed one right in the temple and screamed "WHAT THE FUCK IS TAKING SO LONG?" Suddenly I felt a hand on my back and flung me onto my horse. It was Ike he always was strong.
We road out of that town and into the sunset making our way towards Deadwood and that next game of Poker.
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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