Wicked Zombies


I am currently enrolled in a psychology class. I thought it would better help me understand what defines me, and what makes other people tick.


Yesterday we were going into a new chapter. We just got done studying personality and defense mechanisms and such, and are now entering a chapter on stress and on how to deal with it. We talked about characteristics of stress and some effects it has on us.


As I was following along with the teacher, it all punched me in the face all at once. With everything the book and my  teacher said, it all applied to me more than I had realized. Every detail the book gave, every example the teacher listed, it all seemed to describe me. It has for so many years of my life. Every day, I have been stressed, and I'm so used to it, I don't even care!


It's just shocking to know that we live with every day stress---some people more than others. I had no idea that I was always stressed... maybe it's a part of my anxiety?


Symptoms that I seem to suffer from:

Constant worrying,

racing/reoccuring thoughts,

poor judgement,

inability to concentrate,

memory problems,



agitation; inability to relax,

feeling overwhelmed,

sense of lonliness and isolation,

depression or general unhappiness,

aches and pains,

nausea and dizziness,

chest pain,

frequent colds,

eating more and less,

sleeping too little,

isolating myself from others,

procrastinating or neglecting my responsibilities,

and nervous habits.


I'm guessing this is probably normal though... who knows?

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Comment by kasumalley on April 29, 2011 at 1:28am
I don't think it's normal to feel that many things on a daily basis. Mostly because I've lived with the same issues for a long time and I know that everyone around me doesn't always feel these things. You should find someone you can really talk to because dealing with it on your own is pretty hard. Hope you find some things to deal with your stresses.
Comment by Kitty Kat on April 27, 2011 at 6:33pm
Yes, I believe I do. I don't know for an absolute fact. I have many disorders, so it's hard to tell.
Comment by Komrad Scarlet Zombie☭ on April 27, 2011 at 5:12pm
Do you have a anxiety disorder?

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