Wicked Zombies


We got your e-mail and did what you said. We've been watching the news since this morning and can't believe what it's saying. Are those people walking around really dead? Your mother has been panicking since we got your e-mail, she thinks you should stay in your apartment and not go outside. I understand that you want to get together with your friends though, between you, Wiggins and those other guys you probably have enough guns to wipe out most of the city's population. The news said that some of those things have been slipping through the military quarantine since they don't have enough troops in the area yet. We did what you said though. Your grandparents were stubborn at first and said they would be just fine at their place but caved when I told them that Joanna needed more adults here to keep her safe. Your Uncle Clark called to and is going to bring his family to the house to. It's going to be a little crowded but we should be safe together. Keep sending us updates through e-mail, we want to know if you make it to Wiggins'. We'll be sure to try your cell from time to time to, hopefully the phones will start working again soon. Your little girl says she loves you.


Brendon was glad to hear that his daughter and the rest of his family was ok. It sounded like they were getting organized and he was happy to hear that his uncle Clark was there as well. Clark was even more into guns than Brendon was, the main difference was that the collected older model weapons since he had a Curio and Relics license which allowed him to have many World War II era weapons mailed directly to his house. Brendon called Leslie over and had her read the e-mail and could see the relief on her face as she read it over. After Leslie was done reading Brendon hit the reply button wanting to let his family know what was going on.

It's good to hear you're all getting together, you should be safer that way. Get as many supplies into the house as you can and lock the place up. We made it to Wiggins' just fine and there are close to a dozen of us here all watching out for each other. Griffin picked up Leslie on the way so she's safely with us now. From watching the news it doesn't sound like rescue will be coming anytime soon. We don't think the apartment will be safe in the long run so we're going to all try to make it to the dormitory complex Wiggins, Griffin and I lived in when we went to the University. We think those buildings would be able to sustain us for quite a while and will be easy to secure. I'm sure mom is going to be thrilled about that news but we think it gives us the best chance for survival. Keep safe down there and let Joanna know that mommy and daddy love her.


After sending his response Brendon went and sat by Rebecca to help her check over her gear. To his surprise she didn't seem as shaken by the day's events as some of the others. She was a little more quiet than usual but so was everyone else in the apartment. Once they got to the dorms they were going to need to split into smaller groups to secure the stairs and clear the building which meant that Wiggins, Griffin and himself wouldn't be there to babysit their inexperienced companions. They were going to need to count on other members of the group to step up and help lead the others otherwise things were going to fall apart once they got to the dorms and their three experienced members left the others to start clearing rooms. He knew he could count on Aidan to step up and help out, but next to Aidan Brendon figured that Rebecca had the most potential for helping to lead the others. She could keep a level head in tense situations and wouldn't crack under pressure and at the same time was smart, tough and could handle her weapon well. Her biggest weakness was that while she was a good shot she didn't have any tactical experience so she probably wouldn't be quite as quick at making those on the spot decisions she would need to if leading a part of the group. Brendon knew that she was going to play an important role once they go to the dorms so he decided to spend their remaining time before heading out giving her as much advice as possible.

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Blog Posts

Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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