Wicked Zombies


He knew there was only one way to end this without getting himself killed. The man had a good grip on the top of each of his shoulders but Brendon still had most of the motion in his arms free. He plunged his KaBar between the man's ribs certain that he had hit his left lung. The crazed man didn't even seem to notice the six inch blade sticking into his body and with both of his arms pulling on Brendon's shoulders and only one arm to fight him off Brendon was losing the struggle as the man's head got closer and closer to his neck. He pulled out his knife and rammed it into the man's torso two more times with no results. By now the man's teeth were inches away and Brendon could feel the man's surprisingly cool breath on his neck. More out of desperation than conscious though Brendon pulled his right arm out wide and plunged the tip of his knife into the man's temple sinking it in up to the hilt.
He may not have responded to a punctured lung but the man went limp instantly as the knife entered his brain. Brendon used the adrenaline that was still pumping through his body to give the knife a strong tug to pull it out of the dead man's head then released his neck and stepped out from under the man's weight letting him crumple to the ground. He turned in the woman's direction just in time to see her stand up and begin walking towards him. Her limp wasn't as severe as before and she showed no signs of pain with each step, but instead had the same crazed look in her eyes that the man had shown. She let out a moan similar to what Brendon had heard moments earlier from the man.
She must have been on whatever the man was and Brendon didn't think he'd have the heart to stab a woman too. It would be better to just go into the safety of his apartment and call the police and let them handle her and whatever drugs she was on before he told them what had happened with the man. He backpedaled away from the woman a few steps making sure to put a little bit more distance between them before turning around to head back into his apartment.
His heart nearly skipped a beat when he noticed a bloodied man and young woman were walking out of the broken glass door of the apartment immediately next to the entrance to the building exhibiting the same behavior as the last two people he had encountered. Both let out excited wails as soon as they noticed him and began moving towards him. He didn't know what the hell was going on around here but it made him want to get back into the safety of his apartment that much sooner. These people were slow to so he would just have to make sure he got to the entrance to the building first and got the door unlocked quickly.
Fifteen feet away from the door Brendon stopped dead in his tracks and swore to himself as he realized that he hadn't bothered to grab the keys to his apartment when he ran outside. He could hit the buzzer to his apartment and hope that Rebecca heard it and hit the unlock button in the living room but all three of the crazed people would get to him for sure by that time.
He knew he didn't have much time to think before they got to him regardless. He took a quick look around the parking lot and noticed a white full sized van from the local cable service was backed into a stall about thirty feet away. Brendon ran as fast as he could ignoring the strange feeling of running barefoot on concrete and leapt into the air just before getting to the front of the van. Without even thinking about it he used the adrenaline in his body to run up the bumper and front end of the van and was on the roof before he even realized it. He took a look around to see if there was anybody else in the area that could help but only noticed a handful of other people in the distance stumbling around in the same manner as the other people he had just encountered.
It took a short while for the pair that had came out of the broken patio door to make their way to the front end of the van. As they approached Brendon noticed that they didn't have any obvious leg injuries like the man and woman that he had first encountered. The first woman was still twenty feet away hobbling in his direction. Without any leg injuries the couple nearest him were able to move somewhat faster than the first two. They still weren't very fast but they were able to at least reach an uncoordinated and lumbering jog that really wasn't any faster than a normal person speed walking.
Upon reaching the van the couple began crawling up the front of the vehicle. Brendon again brandished his knife but the couple showed no reaction much like the man earlier. The female was the first to make it onto the hood. She stood up and began to walk up the windshield. Brendon stepped to the front of the roof and planted a foot in her chest before she had time to grab his leg with her outstretched arms and she fell backwards off of the hood and onto the pavement.
The man paid no attention to her as she fell past him and merely focused on getting up on top of the van. Once he had both feet onto the hood he reached a hand up towards Brendon. Not certain if this man could feel pain either Brendon slashed at his outstretched hand leaving a deep ugly gash between the man's fingers. This man also didn’t so much as flinch as the blade sliced through his flesh. Deciding that causing pain to these people was truly useless Brendon waited for the man to rise up into a standing position and kicked him in his upper chest with all of his might and felt one of the man's hands rake across his leg as he fell backwards off the front of the vehicle.
By the time the man hit the ground the woman had already regained her footing and didn't look the least bit phased. To make matters worse the woman from earlier had limped her way over to the front of the vehicle as well and was trying to climb up to get to him. Brendon knew he couldn't keep this up forever, both times he had kicked down one of these people they had nearly latched onto his leg and pulled him down with them, plus he would probably get tired long before the three of them did since they must of had some type of drugs in their system.
Brendon heard a car horn honking and looked to his right to see Aidan's black Geo come careening through the parking lot. Brendon didn't realize until the last second what Aidan was doing and barely had time to throw himself down onto his stomach an instant before Aidan swerved his car into the front end of the van. The impact disoriented Brendon but he somehow managed to stay on the roof of the van. He looked down to the front of the van and saw that the younger woman was pinned between Aidan's car and the van. Even with her torso crushed she still kept reaching up in Brendon's direction letting out that terrible moan showing no signs of the pain that she should have been feeling. The woman with the limp had been pushed out to the side but was still standing and the man was nowhere to be seen which likely meant he had been pushed under the car.
Brendon saw the driver's side door to his roommate’s car open and soon after Aidan stumbled out of the vehicle looking a little dazed with white powder from his deployed airbag covering his front. Brendon jumped off of the side of the van wincing a little as his bare feet hit the pavement. "We have to get inside," he shouted to his roommate noticing that the other people that he had seen in the distance earlier had heard the crash and were now coming in their direction. Aidan nodded back at him and both of them took off towards the entrance of their building. This time luck was with them and there were no people in their path.
"Crap, I left my keys in the ignition," Aidan said as they came to a stop at the front glass door to their building. Brendon stopped and thought for a moment, not feeling as rushed as the last time he had tried to get into the building since there weren't crazed people as close to him as last time.
"We can get in through here," Brendon said as he ran to the apartment that he had seen the two people come out of earlier. He slowed down as he passed through the broken glass around the patio door not wanting to step on any shards with his bare feet or slice himself with the pieces still sticking out of the frame. Aidan followed behind him and the pair went to the front door of the apartment. From the inside they were able to unlock the door and head out into the hallway. They didn't encounter anyone on the way to the stairs or in the stairwell and Brendon was beginning to think they were home free until they turned the corner into their hallway and noticed two men at the far end of the short hallway a man pounding on a door halfway between their location and their apartment door.
Before Brendon even had time to act Aidan took off full speed at the closest man. Just before getting to him he bent down low and hit him in the stomach hard with his right shoulder. Aidan had played football when they had been in high school so he knew how to hit a guy. The man was laid out flat on his back and Aidan managed to stay on his feet without tripping over the man. Brendon and Aidan both ran by him avoiding his reaching hands and managed to get to the door to their apartment an instant before the other two crazed men that had been just beyond their apartment.
Brendon hadn't locked their door on the way out so Aidan pushed it open and ran through the doorway. Brendon was just behind him and felt fingertips brush across his shoulder as he ran through the door. Aidan threw his weight against the door just as Brendon passed through the doorway but the reaching arm behind him managed to snake its way into the apartment and Aidan couldn't get the door shut all the way. Soon they could hear both men pounding and pushing against the door in an attempt to get in and Brendon could tell that Aidan was having trouble holding them back. "Hold it just a little bit longer," Brendon shouted as he ran into his bedroom dropping his bloody knife on the kitchen counter as he went by.

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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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