Wicked Zombies


He spent some time snapping the loops along the bottom of the vest to his pistol belt so that the two would fit comfortably together then attached his drop-leg molle paddle that would sit on his left thigh to his pistol belt. On this paddle he had a large pouch that held his 75 round drum for his AK-47 as well as two more pistol magazine pouches and a drop bag that could be used to quickly drop empty magazines into.
Overall between his vest and the magazines already in his pistol and rifle he would be carry over five hundred rounds loaded into magazines. He figured that if he needed to fire more than that he was screwed anyways and wouldn't be making it to Wiggins' place so he decided not to modify his gear any further even though there were still a handful of free molle straps on his vest, especially on the back.
He looked into his gun safe and saw that he still had a handful of weapons that they would just have to pack into the rest of their gear. He had an old Yugoslavian SKS that he had purchased years earlier. He had never done any major modifications to it so it was still exceptionally long compared to most of his other weapons and still had it's original fixed magazine. He had dozens of ten round stripper clips that could be used to load the weapon reasonably fast and it fired the same rounds as his AK-47 so there was plenty of ammo to be used with it. As large as it was he had to admit it would make a far better club than the rest of his weapons and the bayonet that folded underneath the barrel could be useful as well. He carried the rifle and all if it's stripper clips into the living room and told Aidan to strap it to the outside of his ruck and to put all of the ammo somewhere where they could get to it if need be.
The last firearm in the safe was his AR-10. The rifle had the look of a M-16 with a thicker receiver and rails where the front sight and carry handle would be. He had placed a folding bipod on the underside of the handguards and a scope on the top rail. He had a trio of twenty round magazines and one ten round magazine for the weapon meaning that he couldn't keep as many rounds loaded for it as his other rifles. He reloaded ammunition for this weapon and currently only had just over two hundred rounds of .308 loaded. He had a good stock of reloading supplies including some spare brass and figured there was probably enough to load a couple hundred more rounds assuming he made sure to recover as many shell casings as possible with the brass catcher attached to the ejection port. His reloading gear was light since he only had a simple hand clamp that was used to size and load the brass so it wouldn't take up very much space in the bags.
He attached the AR-10 to his ruck with a twenty round mag inserted but no round in the chamber and put the other magazines in a nearby side pocket on his ruck. The only weapon left out was the shotgun he had used earlier. He pulled a box of 12 gauge buckshot from the pile of gear the others were loading into the ruck and replaced all of the shells that had been removed from the two shell holders on the weapon. It was the lightest and most compact of the spare guns so he folded the stock and attached the shotgun to the outside of Rebecca's ruck.

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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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