Wicked Zombies


The world ended.

Well, lets just say it changed.

Hi, names Red, been awhile since I found the time to put pen to paper.
With the zombies, the militias nut jobs, and just trying not to die…..its been a very ’exciting’ 2012.

Where do I start?

Remember when that earthquake hit Japan, and a few weeks later all four of their reactors exploded?
The radioactive cloud that was much of Japan circled the globe.
It was not all that bad…most of the radiation wasn’t at dangerous levels…so the talking heads claimed.
a lot of birth defects took place in the later months of 2011, you know, babies born with two heads…no arms…shit like that.

The war that the united states was fighting in Iraq, along with other dumb shit the military felt we should be doing damn near bankrupted the country.
Some how congress allowed a bill to be pass that allowed private companies to ‘donate’ huge amounts of monies, and credit to the government.
Had a buddy tell me that within the next five years the government would be privately owned.
If 2011 hadn’t happen….I believe it might have happen.

Around October the first case of “captain jap” was reported. Apparently a strange mutant strain of the flu.
It was traced back to workers in survivor camps in Japan.
Imagine a flu bug that makes you bleed as it eats away the lining of your intestines, and lungs.
You end up hacking up pieces of your own lungs….the lucky ones died early on.

By November nearly five hundred thousand were infected world wide.
The rest of us were to afraid to even leave the house.
My little town turned into a ghost town….we lost a lot of people….friends…family…..
Mid way into the month of December Delvdyne corporations announced to the world that they came up with a curse.
Delvyn was a big success, within a week capt. Jap case dropped by a third.
Everything looked peachy.

First week of 2012

First case of the walking plague.

This is where the other shoe drops.

Delvyn wasn’t a cure….the flu changed.
Not sure what happens, but from what I’ve been told it changes the dna of the flu strain.
Then the flu attacks the brain…it shuts down sections while keeping others alive.
The victim then becomes a bezerk madman.
The flue becomes a virus transmitted through the bite of these…..zombies.

The world just fell apart with the spread of this plague.

The states fell within the first month.
city after city drown under the horde of flesh eaters…the zombies still
Needed to eat to survive.
We just became their food stock.

The united states government folded, the military crumbled….all that was left were the small militias here
and there….a few good folks that actually tried to help….and the corrupt ass holes. Here we are as a country, lying face down in the dirt, they come along and kick us in the head.
They were worst then the zombies.
I’ve traveled with both….better off alone.

Well folks, I’m signing off for now….plus my battery light is flashing.
As I travel around a bit I’ll post what I find….I hope there still folks out there to read this.
If the internet ever gets back up…well, here is to hopeful wishing.

Clown love y’all


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Comment by Bastion WFP on April 1, 2011 at 7:57pm

Gangs all back bro, great blog.

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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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