Wicked Zombies



I had been shadowing these people for two days before I realized that someone was shadowing me. I wanted to know if they were the kind of people you want to know or if it would be better to just let them pass through sight unseen. They had children with them and had wisely avoided any place formerly occupied or at one time claimed by humans. They stuck to the woods, each pulling a small wagon with various supplies and a child each. It’s safer out here though I wouldn’t say it was safe.
A man and a woman though from what I can see they weren’t lovers. It’s doubtful that before the collapse these two would have ever had cause to even look at each other. She had the refinement that only comes from a life of privilege, even with the assault rifle across her back and the thrown together outfit she was wearing her upbringing shined through like a Coleman lamp in a vinyl tent. He was obviously from the other side of town.
On the first night they set up camp he had taken off his dirty well worn leather jacket to reveal two arms covered in prison tattoos, a heavy duty belt with a gun holstered on his right and a bowie knife on his left. The campsite was wrong, too many blind spots and it was on low ground. They wouldn’t be able to see any ghouls until they were sharing the campfire with them, which was too big. I wondered how it was that they were still alive. I began to doubt that either were parents to these children as well, though the woman obviously cared for them quite deeply.
I’m sure I made up my mind to watch over them as soon as I had seen the children. The two kids looked to be young enough so that when things fell apart whoever loved them had to find diapers for them along with everything else. I shuddered at the image of a mother running for her life with a baby in her arms. I could see to their safety so long as they were in my territory. Staying well away from civilization was smart but that didn’t mean you could put your guard down.
When they left the next morning the smaller child, a little girl had left behind her toy. It was a black haired Barbie doll with no clothes. I picked it up and put in my knap-sack tucked between some canned food and dry clothing. They left twenty minutes before I picked up the doll. I had gone ahead to look for any dangers and I found two Zombies ripped to pieces a mile or so northeast of their camp. I guess Black bears are in the Zed killing business now. They were heading due east so I doubted the children would have to see such an ugly site.
Other than that the area was secure. It was mostly forest down the old log cutters trail they were using. Our first night together I saw the adults looking at a map though at the time I wasn’t close enough to hear what they were planning. During the day I would make circles around them repeatedly, stopping only when they stopped and eating when they ate I had made up my mind not to show myself unless absolutely necessary.
It was just about time that they would be looking for a campsite when I was sure that I was being followed. I had felt the hair on my neck stand up once or twice since I started traveling with this makeshift family but it was only then that I was positive. I had sensed it before but now knew I had to identify this threat. Over the safety of these people my own survival took precedence.
I knew of a Warehouse a few miles south of where we were. I hadn't been there since before the collapse but I knew it to be dark and empty. There it would be possible to see my followers and to dispatch them if need be.
It took me about an hour to get there and the sun was going to be down in half of that time. My trackers were closer now. I walked the side of the Warehouse until I got to a side door. The door was most likely locked but there was a window above the door that I could break easily enough and climb through. I did just that, using the doorknob as a step and my Marlin rifle to smash the glass. In an instant I was through the window and as soon as I landed on the floor of the Giant building I heard the familiar sounds the dead greet you with. From their noises I knew there weren’t that many. Take care of them then deal with my new tail.
I left my machete wedged in the skull of a coffee shop employee. I guess the little brown hat acted as superglue because I just couldn’t get it back from her. The silenced pistols I always had but being low on ammo and far from my base I wanted to save firepower as much as possible. I always had Tonya’s Revenge but coming this far to scare away my followers seemed pointless. Not that I’m above pointless it’s just that I felt as though my life depended on finding out who they are. So that left one weapon. The exquisitely crafted and well traveled Samurai Sword.
It was a Katana made in Japan god knows when. The boy I took it from was dying from a series of infectious bites his mother had given him as a going away present. He sent her to the other side by splitting her head in two before leaning up against the family car. I was quietly observing in a tree across the road. I saw the Station wagon slam into the parked cars and the driver attack the passenger. The door flying open and the boy sliding out while mom was stuck in her seatbelt. He got up as quick as he could with a piece of his cheek still in her mouth. Bleeding everywhere he opened up the back seat and reached for a long black vinyl bag. He laid it on the road and frantically opened the bag and unsheathed the sword just as his mother had somehow gotten out of the seatbelt then the car. By this time seeing as we were the only people around I got down from the tree and was approaching the two with my pistol ready. One quick movement and she went down fast and forever. He had to be some sort of student to possess such finesse. He stumbled back and fell into his lean, muttered something in Japanese then said “My mom…did you see?” there was nothing I could say. I knew he was going to turn soon. “I had no choice…I didn’t have…” He saw the gun in my hand. I said to him “We don’t have much time”. Looking around as though I meant for our safety but he knew what I was talking about."I'll look after the sword" I said plainly, holding my hand out. He nodded,handed me the sword then sobbed and said, “Sorry Mom.” I said “I’ll pray for you both” and then I shot him two inches directly above his nose. The Katana I wiped down and sheathed in its beautifully ornate scabbard.
I have a lair I winter in. I study and train during the hardest part of the winter. I raid libraries and dojos taking manuals and anything else I need to better survive this world and I took the time to get familiar with my sword.
Anyway I decided that the sword was the way to go. I always keep it strapped to my back and when I reached for it I adopted my favourite stance. I saw right away that I was dealing with three well rotten half skeletoned ghouls. In the stuttered light the top windows of the Warehouse gave us I could see glints of skull and empty nose cavities, rib cages and torn mechanics uniforms. These guys weren’t holding up so well.
I stood up straight and put my feet together with my right foot facing ninety degrees from my left. Held my sword in my left hand and pointed the tip at each mechanic in turn. I began to move so that when the time was right I would be centered between the rotted boys in blue. I drew back my sword and widened my stance. I don't mind telling you that with exquisite grace and expert precision I carved a glimmering number eight in the lessening light of the warehouse removing the tops of all three rotted heads in one fluid, poetic movement. I impress myself sometimes. The three warehouse guardians went off to the next world without so much as a thank you.
I could tell from much experience that it was just us in this big empty space. I wanted to make sure my tails could get into the building so I approached the door. I got within ten paces of the door when I could hear them on the other side of the wall. I stood perfectly still, I thought somewhat panicked that if they busted in shooting I would have no time to get to either my Marlin rifle or my pistols as I had so foolishly left them under the door where I had landed. There weren’t making noises like men though, unless men sniffed at doors before opening them. I quietly walked to the door and retrieved my equipment.
There was a chair next to the door and I propped it up against the door and took a peek out the window. On the other side of the door stood the three biggest German Sheppards I have ever seen. The Alpha male looked up at me and in that instant I understood how it was that the makeshift family had lived as long as they had. Staying away from where people used to live was one thing. A pack of guardian angel dogs was another. The Alpha made a low growl while looking at me then the pack started back the way we came. I knew what he was telling me but I had a Barbie Doll to return.

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Jessie W. Garrett III

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Blog Posts

Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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