Wicked Zombies


Michelangelo - Torment of Saint Anthony

torment of st. anthony Pictures, Images and Photos

I took a little trip to the Kimbell Art Museum on Friday for class and got to take a peek at this beautiful painting by Michelangelo. It was quite exciting. You couldn't get close but the details were amazing.

While I was there, the really obnoxious guy from class who screams out answers before the teacher is even done asking questions, was acting like an idiot. He touched a painting and got bitched out. I laughed. Then he bragged rather loudly about banging an underage chick.

It was classic. Good thing I was surrounded by beautiful things.

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Comment by Komrad Lady Sunyak on March 22, 2011 at 7:16pm
The painting is beautiful and I definitely would have been excited to be in it's presence. Figures a man would have to try and ruin it for you....and what's with guys thinking it's okay to bang underage girls?! I'm 26 and the thought of being with a 17 yr is not sexy to me. I wonder what I could bribe Chris with to take me to the museum in Manhattan. Oh, I could tell him there's a horror convention going on inside. That's usually a sure shot lol.
Comment by kasumalley on November 26, 2009 at 1:04am
I'm not sure Komrad Balthazzar, but I think I see some 'you know whats' in there.

He sure is having a bad time. But hey, how often to you get to fly when airplanes aren't invented, eh? He should be thankful. That's a major experience.
Comment by Komrad Kolossus on November 25, 2009 at 12:35am
You know it was Saint George who told Saint Anthony not to borrow that money from the loan shark with the forked tongue and spiked tail.. but did he listen... well apparently not look at the kodak proof taking by one Michael Angelo from Daytona Beach. He and his loving wife Bettsy went to Italy to see the famous canals and taste the fine foods but instead they got to watch a Saint get beaten down by goons. -giggles-
Comment by kasumalley on November 16, 2009 at 9:59am
Yes, a massive loser. You can be smart and still irritate the shit out of everyone. It did knock him down a peg or two that day. That was until I heard the discussion about the underage girl. The security guard and I were exchanging, "They're so stoooooopid!" looks. lol

It is a beautiful painting. They also had a Goya and Picasso I liked.

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