Wicked Zombies


The laugh of the insane fills the night air with fear.

It always hides in the shadows waiting for its next victim.

You think its a horrible thing, that they should be killed for it.

Honestly thats just the way some people live, who are we to say whats right or wrong?

Who are we to make the rules of who can and cant join a group or enviornment?

Our government, head of our state, jerks to the rest of us who spend every moment of our life working for them.

So what happens when the Apocalypse does come?

Ill tell you what happens, the government protects themselves.

They dont give a shit about us, but one of these days we will rise against them.

One of these days we will be in control. The outcasts.

Goths gays lesbians quirks rags and all who get shoved in the dirt like we are nothing.

We will rise.

If you believe this you can choose to leave a comment. even if you disagree but i stand for what i just wrote.

I am tired of it and this will end. 


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Comment by Stalker Taint on July 3, 2011 at 2:50pm
I'll be waiting for you to do it. Until then I'll watch our government 'protect' itself. If they wanted to 'protect' themselves and be in control we wouldn't have mass media spreading ideas of things against government officials or war or violence. If this was a totalitarian government there would be no rights for you and you wouldn't have written this. You aren't pushed around by this in power. You're pushed around by the people around you because that's the way they are. They aren't accepted by everyone, however more people accept them because they match up together. Natural selection. People flock to crowds that are similar. It just so happens that yours might be smaller than the others, though you also lack to understand the future problems with these people. Eventually the stronger breed will be forced to do what nature intended. Some will die, some will live, others  will survive only to brace the terrible faces of cold and hate and misery along the lines of Hell's armies as country after country picks a fight with one another. You aren't different. There are plenty of people like you, hence why people can have any positive feelings towards you. Take Sunyak's post for instance. It is one of most likely positive reinforcement towards your post. Something seemed to ping with Sunyak, making it clear that there was at least something in similarity. Kaitlyn's post can go either way, though once again, its most likely positive reinforcement towards your post. You aren't an outcast, and chances are if you think you are you can always change it. Do you not like the way you look? To skinny or to overweight? Not fit enough? Fitness, by Charles Darwin, dictates the ability to survive in ones environment, lest you be taken out of the equation for another to come along, though if you are strong enough and have enough strengths pointing in your direction you will be able to carry on the ability of children, and your family tree shall increase, spreading both positive and negative attributes from you. If you have a problem with not being part of the 'Fitness' then change it and start working  on progressing yourself as a human being and get on your feet to actually progress yourself. Gays aren't outsiders. They're widely accepted. Lesbians as well. They receive hate when they start shoving it down people's throats. Goths and emos as well, because they always have to be so negative and insightful to anything that might just be good in their lives. But of course they probably wouldn't, would they? A house to live under. Food. Electricity. The ability to post things online. A computer to do so with. The ability to get sweets or junk food to fuel any rage or 'DEEP EMOTIONAL THOUGHTS' of their aching hearts that will never be cured. No one's an outsider, not matter how uncommon you are. You have to simply look and try to live life like an actual person. Shit, that's how life is and you gotta deal with what the fuck comes your way.
Comment by Komrad Lady Sunyak on July 1, 2011 at 12:36pm

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Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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