Wicked Zombies


Jubilee Beach- The Briefing. Phase 3.

I can't believe it myself but I actually felt a bit guilty about what I had to tell Gobby next.
"Once you've finished clearance at the aquarium, that's your lot for fighting".
Well, his face fucking dropped and he looked like he was about to kick off... or cry.
"It's not over for you though, mate. We're gonna need you more than ever for the next bit."
He was still sulky but it could've been worse.

"So, Gobby, once you're out of the aquarium you'll be hairing it back down to the South end. Remember- lots of noise. The aim is to bring every fucking zed from a mile and a half to our little beach where we'll all be waiting to give them a special surprise, so if any have followed you to the aquarium, ensure they follow you back. And try your best to stick to the sides of the beach, the coast side and the sea wall side. Don't go ripping up the center strip because Rampage and Spook are going to need hard sand under their feet, okay?"
I turned to Rampage- "2 minutes after Gobby arrives at the South end you and yours will move into the aquarium kitchen. You won't be staying outside like Spook, you won't need to. Wait there for the word, okay?"
"Cool." said Rampage, as laid back as ever.
"Spook, when you see Gobby returning to your end, get into the toilet block quick as you like, keep the door shut and wait for the word. We don't want any zeds paying you attention, we want them all eyes on Gobby and the Hell he'll be tearing up."
Spook nodded his agreement.
I returned to Gobby- "I want you to stay down at the South end for a bit, circling, doughnutting, shouting, whatever, but stay on your bikes, okay? Don't get off your bikes and don't start fighting, alright? I need you to be mobile at all times."
He was still a bit put out but I knew he was listening, and I believed he wouldn't let me (or the rest of us) down.
"Once you've spent a few minutes at that end and you've drawn a few zeds to you I want you to return to the North end, same tactics, loads of noise, drawing more zeds out and up to that end. Now, myself and Shotgun Trevor will be up top of the van, on the road, slap-bang between the toilets and the aquarium. We'll be glassing the surrounding area for approaching zeds. Meanwhile you will be up and down to either end, doing your thing, drawing the zeds out from their hidey holes and onto the beach and you'll be doing this as many times as is necessary, until both me and Trev are satisfied that no more zeds are coming to the party."
I continued, "It stands to reason, that if the Squads have done their fucking jobs properly then you shouldn't have too much to worry about, but if they've carried out their mission with their usual lack of professionalism then this could take a while, and you could be dodging zeds left, right and arse-wise until there's no more to come. Are you cool with that?"
"No fucking problem, eh?" Said Gobby.
"Okay. When you've got the attention of as many of the remaining zeds as there's likely to be you'll need to head to the mid-way point where me, Shotgun Trevor, Wanker and Mr Full-bore will be positioned on and in front of the van waiting for you. Once you reach the mid point Wanker and Mr Full-Bore can cover you from then on, but we don't want to be wasting good bullets so don't take any chances, alright?"
"You stay on the beach, still making a riot, and you'll be drawing all the zeds into a big fucking sing-along in front of us. Ride round them in a big damn circle, keep them confused and off balance, but most importantly keep them in the middle. The beach is about 40 yards wide at this point so you should have plenty of room without danger of getting snagged."
"Once you've got them packed in like sardines I'll give the word... and that's when we go to Phase 4."

At this point I had to pause so what I'd just said could sink in a bit.
I looked at each of them in turn. I know Rampage has a problem with Gobby and his mate, I think it's just a clash of personalities but as this clearance relied on Gobby behaving himself I didn't want Rampage to have doubts about my decision to use such fireball of a character.

"Any questions so far?" I asked the room.


That's good.

Silence means I haven't fucked up yet.

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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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