hi guys,ponce again sorry for how long i've been away but we fucking moved again! oh and we had a "house-guest" for four months!yeah remember that friend who died? her little sister moved in with us to escape from her violent was an experience that i dont think i'd repeat because i dont like people being inconsiderate,treating me like an unpaid maid and treating my home like a fucking flophouse!leaving mess all over my living room,hairy razors in my bathroom etc!ok...rant over!
Our little bella is getting big,clever and fast! she's so adorable(will post a pic or 2 of her later!) but she's still a demon,i love the hell outta her.
so what about those drug-induced "zombie-cannibal" attacks in florida? my bro was over there at the time and he said people were all panicky...freaky! lol unfortunately no real zombies as yet though...c'est la vie(for now)
mira grant's newsflesh trilogy is complete,i loved the whole lot and wish there was more to come but at least 2 more novellas are on the way so i can deal! hehe,i got a ,ma-hooo-sive zombie bundle of kindle books wheich i'm working my way through...have to say,loved allison hewitt is trapped by madeleine roux! but then again blogging makes me happy!
the place i'm in now is easily securable,as a building,should z-day is the fortress 5 minutes drive from my new flat...and we have a whol lot of non-perishable food...thats the plus-points!
negative points are that there are 3 double flights of stairs,the road is busy and the other people in the building(with 3 exceptions) suck...i would let them all become zombie chow to protect thos i give a fuck about.
so how have my WZers been? i've missed you guys
p.s got "in all my dreams i drown" from the devil's carnival soundtrack stuck in my head...hehe
yeah wayne i heard about the disagreements going on here,way easier to be switzerland in this scenario and let em duke it out for themselves! lol well i'm glad someone else loves mira grant too,georges death blog made me cry,i still get tearful reading or listening(got it in 3 formats cos i'm a geek,audio,paperback and digital) to it. deadline is more action-based and blackout...i was rather happy with the ending,i wont spoil em for ya! thanks for the welcome back venessa,i gave bella big hugs for you xxxx
Hello Sweetie great to see you are doing well give Bella a BIG XOXO!
welcome back, shit got a little nutty around here for awhile, certain people weren't getting along, but Komradz persevere, I am this close to ordering Grants trilogy, Ive only read FEED (which you may or may not know is my favorite zombie novel to date), sux you had a shitty houseguest, those are never fun lol...been there...
Welcome back Sweetie!
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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