I know some of you have been gone for some time and are now back in circulation, which I'm glad to see people coming back. As for me right now, I'm here a week and gone a week.
I know my time has been shortened on what I do at the house dealing with computers or the internet. Yes I have internet at home, but with the boys wanting to watch movies and play games with me, (Battleship, Life and Yatzee) which is fun and the topics that come up with my youngins kill me.
The only time I get to myself is after the kids go to bed, most of the time I need to wind down so I jump on my PS3 and play shooter games for a few hours and then I'm off to bed and then start over the next day.
Most of the time when I'm able to jump on the net to post or check email is when I am at work. And the way my work schedule is, I work a week and off a week. Granted it's not much money, but in todays economy it's the only job I am able to do right now. None of the line crews (cable or telephone) are hiring in my area and I don't want to up root my kids or even myself just for a job.
I know we all have to work to pay bills and to afford things for our kids or things we want, but I feel if a job has you work weekends and begins taking more and more time from your family, then the job needs to be the one thing that needs adjusting...
I guess that's why over half these factories around here won't hire me. Cause when I go in for the interview, I state what i'm willing to offer them and because I only offer them 40 hours a week and no weekends, even if it is so-called (Manditory) overtime. And I never get called back. Guess my Family is way more important then some well paying job.
Yes, it would allot us things we want and need with no problems, but if I have to sacrifice my family for work and a dollar, then I would rather have some half ass job like I have now that gives me my weekends with my kids and allows me to at least keep bills paid.
Sacrificing family for money or a job is one of the many reasons why our kids seem to have a rough go while growing up. We try and teach them what we can about right and wrong and even set rules in which they get used to living under, just to prepare them for all the rules in which as a grown up we all live under.
These rules not only shape us, but our kids too. Just like our decisions effect our kids. Just like spanking a kid, if the rule broken deserves punishment with a spanking, then put that hand, paddle, belt, fly swatter or switch against that butt. I had spankings when I was going up, it may have hurt at the time of spanking, but I tell you it taught me right from wrong...
I know we try so hard to provide our kids with things we never had growing up. But looking back, those things I never had or wanted, I have now and they aren't as spectacular as they once were.
What if our trying to give our kids the things we never had as kids, actually is hurting our kids?
I'm still working on a lot of things to be posted, but as time allows I try to work a little on everything I'm working on. Not sure when I will get everything done and ready for posting...
It's an act of God right now to get more then an hour or two for myself...(LOL)
Anyways, just thought I would share a little on whats going on and why I only post a few times a month...So hope everything is good with everyone else, catch on the flip....
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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