Wicked Zombies


Day 143

1700 hrs

One of the things I did notice at the pageant conference was girls texted probably five times an hour, now the cell phones are at the bottom of their rucksacks.Hopefully one day we can use them to call home but the odds of that are slim, because everyone one is probably dead. For one, nobody is on the other end and we're constantly moving in a mountain range so you couldn't use them if they did work, so that's all in the past.
Most of the girls are athletic so nobody has had any injuries so far, we need to be careful during hand to hand combat training so nobody gets hurt. Zombies really suck at fighting, you just use their momentum against them, and they're no Ninjas either, they kick logs and rustle leaves when on the attack. Running seems to be a big thing among the girls, because their fitness determines their survival.
Night patrols will sometimes be suprised at close range by a zombie, that seems to be at rest, so all night patrols are trained to stop and listen every so often. You can smell the stench of a zombie at close range but if the wind is blowing the opposite direction you'll never know they're there untill one's on top of you. To bad zombies don't smoke or we could really wax their ass.
With all the gear & guns we took from the Class III store, and with our determination and training we have faired well against both zombie attacks and several attacks by maurading armed men.

They say "any day the sun rises is a good day" whoever wrote that never lived in a world of infected people ; )

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Comment by Komrad Zombie Slayer☭ on July 12, 2010 at 1:34pm
The Task Force Amazon have the infected under control!

Comment by Bob Mares Photography on July 8, 2010 at 2:43am
We make sure that sometimes "the hunters become the hunted"

Task Force Amazon
Comment by Komrad Dead Warrior☭ on July 7, 2010 at 8:02pm
Infected people make the Night Watch determination and training so important.

Comment by Komrad Venessa Wicked☭ on July 6, 2010 at 7:43am
The Night patrols have to be ever so vigilant on these post-outbreak dark nights.

Comment by Bob Mares Photography on July 5, 2010 at 11:30am
I'd be proud to have any female on here to be a part of my Task Force Amazon. Before the outbreak it was dangerous for young women to travel on highways and even to stop at a rest stop, now the women of Task Force Amazon own the highways and rest stops, We protect survivors in our AO from the infected and armed raiders. Task Force Amazon are like wolves they travel and hunt in packs, and with their fitness and military training they are a formidable fighting force. How do you get girls to fight to the death if need be? Remind them that between 1992-1995, an estimated 50,000 girls and women were raped and some murdered in "rape camps" during the Balkan conflict. This and the fact that there no longer is a home, makes them rely on each other for survival. Even before the infected outbreak with laws and police it was unsafe for a young female to be out alone at night. Now the odds are a little more even, and it now is unsafe for male armed raiders to be out at night ; )

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Not all our girls are front line warriors, and most pull their weight elsewhere. Like all combat units there are support units, and several girls are best suited for that role.

Spetsnaz - The Inside Story of the Soviet Special Forces
by "Viktor Suvorov"
The Wolf Pack

Suvorov likens the Spetsnaz to wolves:
The relations within spetsnaz units are very similar to those within the wolf pack. The experts say that the she-wolf never kills her sickly wolf-cubs. She makes her other cubs do it. The she-wolf herself gives the cubs the first lesson in hunting in a group. And the cubs' first victim is their weaker brother. But once the weaker ones are disposed of, the she-wolf protects the rest. In case of danger she would rather sacrifice herself than let anyone harm them. By destroying the weaker cubs the she-wolf preserves the purity and strength of her offspring, permitting only the strong to live. This is very close to the process of selection within spetsnaz. At the outset the weaker soldier is naturally not killed but thrown out of spetsnaz into a more restful service. When a unit is carrying out a serious operation behind enemy lines, however, the wolf-cubs of spetsnaz will kill their comrade without a second thought if he appears to weaken.

Within their pack the wolves conduct a running battle to gain a higher place in the hierarchy. And I never saw anything inside spetsnaz that could be described as soldier's friendship, at least nothing like what I had seen among the tank troops and the infantry. Within spetsnaz a bitter battle goes on for a place in the pack, closer to the leader and even in the leader's place. In the course of this bitter battle for a place in the pack the spetsnaz soldier is sometimes capable of displaying such strength of character as I have never seen elsewhere.

We have Special Operations units for covert operations against the armed raiders, we normally bait them with Task Force Amazon members and male volunteers from the survival camps disquised as wary travelers. Just like a wolf pack certain girls move up to be approved for that task.

Task Force Amazon

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Jessie W. Garrett III

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Blog Posts

Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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