So yeah... anyway, get flown into the city via Blackhawks. The first time I laid eyes on the city was at dusk coming in from the southwest, there were columns of smoke from some pretty bad fires here and there. Coming over the highway at two hundred feet made it pretty easy to see blood splattering the miles of totaled cars, bodies everywhere, people running around, screaming while Romeos ran them down. Saw that probably a dozen times before we reached our objective.
Helicopters were all over the place, ferrying people from rooftops to evacuee centers to the north and south of the city. From our elevation, we see the expressions on people's faces as they jumped out of building windows. The city streets were coated with mangled cars, flames, blood, bodies and the living running for their lives while the undead were chasing them down, moving like stop motion puppets in something that would've made only to make people lose their shit from watching it.
We still didn't know what they were, really, like... where the hell did they come from. I mean, we 'knew' what they were, it's just that no one wanted to admit it. Like if someone said 'zombie' it would start some kind of campaign to discredit the organization that said or mass hysteria would break out. Fucking hell... mass hysteria had been going on for at least a week, from what we could tell. Funny how people don't want to say anything that could be ridiculed or upset people when streets are literally flowing with blood. I'll never understand how civilians think....
Drop was quick enough, putting us on a supermarket rooftop where ING's Delta Co/178th Regiment was collecting civilians arriving on foot, inspecting for infection, taking their information and putting their asses on a bus. They were slick, fast, moving with purpose, you know? Those fuckers prolly saved more lives than they'll ever get credit for. The parking lot was barricaded with those plastic construction barriers, stacked eight feet high. They had 3 HMMwVs with 50 cal machine guns set up covering the entrances of the buses. You couldn't say these guys didn't have their shit together.
My FireTeam (Blue Team) was left on the rooftop and Red Team reinforced the ground level local soldiers. I was posted on the southeast corner with a nice ledge to prop my gun and make myself pretty damn good firing position. I had 400 rounds linked up from my assault pack and covered the street sections in front of me. Had a pretty good field of fire, too, if you didn't count the burning car wrecks.
I had my M240LW sighted with an EoTech 553 holographic optic. I'll be honest, i fucking hate those M145s and Trijicon ACOGs, they fuck up with sight picture too much. But slapping an Aimpoint 4x Magnifier behind the Eotech gave me the ability to nail one of those fuckers right in the goddamn teeth if i wanted to. And you're goddamned right i wanted to.
All we could hear were sirens, screams and sporadic small arms fire from every direction, the sounds being carried from across the city. Really gave me the scale of what we were looking at. It was like something you'd see out of a horror movie= if they ever made one with any balls, you know? It was like Dawn of Dead on crystal meth having a psychotic break and amplified to the power of ten.
What really freaked me out was looking at the windows in the buildings as the sun set. Fucking revenants were pressed against the glass in so many of them it could make your skin crawl. And they just fucking stared at us, with that glazed, hateful stare and slowly clawed at the glass. Scariest thing i think i've ever seen in my entire fucking life. We'd get a small wave every now then. Sometimes a small group would be running to the gates while a much larger group wanting to get way too friendly literally just feet behind them. We'd just wait for any chance when we were pretty sure we wouldn't hit the civvies, then we just fucking chewed them to pieces. It got more intense once the city got dark.
Somehow the sirens stopped, the screams became more distance from one another and gunfire happened once every half hour or so. That's when we knew we were pretty much fucked. Our temporary CO, Captain Jameson gave us the word that we were bailing before the next hour since we hadn't seen a living person on the streets for hours. Seems like right then, everything decided to go straight to hell. There was a good sized medical tent set up in the parking lot where they were stashing anyone that showed up with suspicious injuries, and apparently a couple broke their restraints and took out a couple medics. The ground teams were dealing with that around the time some dumb fuck plowed through the barricades with a fucking cargo van. Asshole had to have at least a hundred Romeos on his ass that just flooded through the hole that son of a bitch made in the wall. And wouldn't you just fucking know it, another group hit back alley exit. We could hear the 50 cal open up and our guys on the side were screaming and shooting down at the street.
Fucking Jameson, man. That son of a bitch just stood there like he didn't a care in the world and just yelled once for us to mount up, time to pull back. We'd arranged to book down the street if we got overrun, which meant we had to grab our shit and fucking kick rocks if we wanted a ride out.
Running through a dark grocery story ins't an fun as i thought it'd be. Especially when the guy in front of me, one of the Delta guys got yanked into the fucking wine aisle by some fucker just waiting for us. We could tell from the way he was screaming he was already done. The only thing we could do was toss a frag and hope it got him before that Romeo finished him off.
That hard ass Jameson waited, I couldn't fucking believe it. We were about to squeeze our narrow asses in any available space we could find when i thought i heard something. If i was what i thought it was, I never would've forgiven myself If i'd've just bolted. I may be a lot of horrible, god awful things, but a coward is not one of them.
I took the chance and ran down the alley next to the HMMWV i'd've shot my own left nut off to climb into right then. I had about three guys from Delta chasing me down, guess they thought i'd lost it or something.
About a block a way a found what i'd heard. A goddamned little girl crying next to dumpster. Fucking hell. There were four or five flesh eating bastards less than ten fucking feet from her. I couldn't shoot them and risk hitting the fucking kid or spraying her with biohazardous people viscera. I managed to shoot a couple in the face with my sidearm, though how i pulled it off at a dead run, only God will ever know. I kicked one over and hit another in the face my Beretta before stomping the one i kicked into the fucking pavement. Some Delta finished off the other 2 then he just stood there, staring at me like i'd just given the him holy grail, a million dollars and brought his childhood dog back from the beyond. It was kind of creepy. He kept asking me how i knew she was there. True is i didn't. i just thought i heard something.
Let's get something straight. I don't like kids. At all. But this little girl was the probably the more adorable child i'd ever seen. Delta guys picked up talking about how much he loved kids, and she just melted right into that fucker. It was fucking surreal.
But it gets better. You won't believe this shit... So we're making our way back to the HMMWV this woman just appears right out of the goddamned fog out of a side alley carrying a little girl identical to the one we had. They couldn't have been more than four, five years old. This woman was young, maybe nineteen, twenty. Maybe not, no one fucking looks as old or as young as you think they do. She was probably one of the most beautiful girls i'd ever seen in my life. No the kind of beauty that you makes you want to do really bad things with, but the kind that makes you think that someone like that can't exist without being definitive proof of something truly divine existing in the universe. The kind that makes you want to commit crimes against humanity just so people like her will never know just how bad the world can be.
The twins, come to find out, were her nieces and her brother never showed up to drive them out of two, so was stuck with these girls and no plan. She was making her way to the evac station that just swan dived into part of hell where they keep the feral dogs that bite people in the crotch. They would've walked right into that shit if we moved just a little faster.
She cried in my arms, right fucking there, she was so happy to see. I'd never felt so awkward my entire life. Before i enlisted, girls like her seemed to go out of their way to make it a point how fucked up they thought i was. And this one cried on my vest and looked at with eyes that i didn't want to look into, afraid she'd see the bad guy i'd become and hate me for finding them somehow.
There wasn't a problem getting back to convoy, but Jameson was pissed about us running off. Fuck that guy, he's not my CO. We're not even in the same branch. If it came down to it, i'd take the heat from breaking formation doing an operation. Fuck it, i'm not leaving women and kids to die like that. The CO seemed to agree and didn't read me the riot act. Instead he pointed out that the trucks were overpacked as it was and asked me what we were gonna do, since i found them, they were my responsibility apparently.
I did the only right thing to do. I fucking gave that girl and those kids my spot in the truck. Somehow he expected me to do that, which sort of pisses me off, since he knew how it gonna go down and still asked me. He gave some talk about how he wouldn't be able to honor my decision in his conscious if he just left me there by myself. So he had them toss my Team Leader out next me and told us if we could make it the Red Line, a few below ground rides out of the city were still taking place.
He apologized for not being able to give us a map, a radio or any fucking ammo to me. Corporal Hester, on the other hand, got packed like it was a competition to see how many mags and frags they could cram in his webbing, pockets, where they'd fit. Apparently, they didn't bring any belted 7.62mm because they didn't have a gun that needed it, leaving me with what i still have leftover from what i got that morning.
Then they drove off like they were headed to the beach or some shit. Like they didn't just leave us there with no supplies and a vague suggestion of where to go. He didn't even tell which direct to go or what in the fucking hell the Red Line was beyond a subway.
It was fucking weird standing there with Hester for a minute. He was pissed, to say the least.
With God as my witness, it fucking started raining glass. We were kind of at that point were you're just do fucked up by everything, ground hogs with lethal rainbow whips jumping from the trees and screaming in Swahili wouldn't have phased us. It was like time slowed down for a minute while shattered glass hit the sidewalks sparking with reflections of the fires prophesying that last hours of the universe.
Then we found out why it was raining glass. Remember those asshole staring at us for the apartments and offices in the building around us? Yeah they kind of figured out through some hive mind brainfuck that that shit breaks and they get to the chewy people scurrying below. The good new was the anything jumping from more than five stories just ended up big piles of goo on the street. The bad news was that no where nearly as many as we would've like we coming from the sixth floor or higher. So we did the only thing we really could do... we fucking put one foot in from of the other and hauled ass down the goddamn street! We had no idea what we were doing, where we were going and what we should be looking for, but what we knew that the neighborhood was getting crowded and they didn't approve of our gang colors.
I had 300 rounds left. Sounds like a lot, but when your gun can shoot 800 rounds a minute, 300 is practically nothing.
That marked the beginning of one of the strangest nights of my life.
That's enough for today... I"m fucking wasted.
thanks killer! i'm glad you're enjoying it.
The story continues several years into the future, but with a different narrative. I'm not sure how many more journal takes i'll end up doing from the various chapters. if enough people are interested, i'll do more, i guess, heh.
Feel free to offer any criticism, complaints or advice:)
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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