Oh yes, I'm back with more complicated stuff. Kinda sad, but you know, I just wanna talk and get it out of my system, and also hear what everyone else has to say.
So, today I found out that my boy has been harboring a lot of things... he's been working very hard, and has also been worrying about hurting me. For a long time, I was starting to get anxious because he seemed to talk to me less and less, and I felt like maybe he was starting to get bored of me. Until today, when I asked my good friend Cheri to help me out and ask him if he's as crazy for me as I am for him.
I learned some new things. He has been doing everything he's supposed to do and more. He's been studying for finals, doing his job, and also taking care of me. He kept a lot of his worries from me and still acted like everything was fine. I didn't notice the difference... of course, how could I? I still don't know him all that well, I haven't had the time to learn all his tricks.
His mom has been meddling around again. She is forcing him to go live in New York with her until his birthday, where he is to date a girl she picked out for him the entire time. If he doesn't do as he is asked, she is threatening to break us apart.
Yes, this fills me with anxiety, but also joy. He is doing this for us. He is being detached because he doesn't want me getting too attached to him and getting hurt in the end. He's afraid of hurting me, and is trying really hard to do his best.
Seriously, this man is the guy I've been looking for all my life. I trust him more than I've ever trusted anybody before, and who cares if that sounds cheesy-- it's true, and that's what matters. I'm going to believe in hope, and I am going to pray to a God who may or may not exist. I am wishing and praying that this relationship will work out, because honestly, it's worth it. I don't care how long I have to wait... this boy is definitely worth it. Let's hope the world and God and everyone else agrees with me.
August 13th is his birthday. He leaves for New York at the end of June.
Everybody, this is the only time I will ask this of you: Wish us luck, and pray for us.
Thank you all!
His mom needs to cut the umbillical cord and let him make decisions like the man that he is. What, is she upset about you being younger than him? My man is 34 and I'm about to be 27...age ain't nothing but a number. This makes me so happy I moved out at 17 and never looked back. Freedom!
I have to admit, his mom is really making me angry. The only thing that really fills me with anxiety is that his mom knows him better than I do, and therefore, she knows or has a good idea of where his tastes lies.
At first, I thought that I wasn't picked, and that I just happened to get him by chance. But that's when I remembered: He is the one who picked me. He's happy to be with me, because he is the one who chose me out. So maybe, his mom can't top that, because she isn't him and she doesn't know what he wants to the very last detail.
I'm hope within the three months that he is forced to date this girl that he doesn't fall in love with her. I hope that they don't get to see each other often... but the one thing I hope the very most, is that he isn't expected to take it seriously and... kiss her and shit... I am scared, but also, I have faith that this will all work out.
Our age gap is kinda large, but legal. And the best thing about our relationship is that we've already agreed to wait on anything sexual for after marriage. He is currently 21, and I am 17.
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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