It's one of those days in which you are at work and your mind is running through all types of ideas. If a Z-poc happens while I'm at work, what in the hell do I do?
Well, the first thing will be get to my wife and kids.
Then there's making sure my guns and blades are ready
Then there's the question, do I go to my dad's or stay put?
I've thought about this a lot. He has a trailer outside of town. The problem I see is that the front of his property is wide open. There's not much zombie proofing I can do with his rundown trailer. The windows are high and the front deck is high off the ground. But the ramp leading up to the deck is wide open. I tried to get him to let me do some work to it in order to keep kids and people from falling through the hand rails. But I get told to leave it alone. So from my stand point, I have to wait to Z-proof his place. It's a bitch knowing that I'll be the one having to put down a few, if not all my family members. Just because of an old, stubborn mule of a man.
I do know that my sister and her family will go there if something bad starts going down. Which means not only will I have to put down my brother and father and my dad's bitch of a girlfriend, (which I won't have a problem doing.), but I'll probably end up putting down my brother-in-law, my sister and their two kids.
I know this sounds bad, but because they all think that nothing will ever happen here, none of them are prepared for even the most common disaster. So when the Z-poc does hit, I'll be putting down most of my family and burning there bodies. This is horrible to think about, but it's something I'll end up having to deal with.
A lot of people say they would have a problem with having to do this kind of task. The main ones I will have problems taking out will be my brother and my nephew. As for the res of them, I have no love lost. Shit, even putting my sister and my niece down won't hurt as much as putting down my brother and my nephew. And as for my dad and his girlfriend, I can wipe them off the face of the earth without batting an eye.
My dad's girlfriend and me don't get along with a shit. I piss her off every time I have to work. She'll either leave or she'll bitch enough to where I get sent home early because of something I said. I know my dad thinks he's happy with her, but I can tell he's not. Hell, she doesn't pay any bills, even though she's supposed to be splitting all the bills. Hell, this bitch never listens when it comes to buying clothes for anyone. She'll ask you what size you wear, you tell her and she'll go out and buy old people clothing that is 3 to 4 sizes to big. Hell I wear a 34/32 in pants. She went out and bought a 42/30. I maybe a little short for my weight, (the best excuse I could come up with...LOL), but damn, I aint that damn short and I sure the fuck aint that damn fat. Plus there are many other reasons I wouldn't have a single problem in putting this bitch in the burning pile after I shoot her. Hell I would probably shoot her more then once or twice and definitely more the 6....
As for my dad, I would probably blink twice but still put his ass down. Me and him don't get along to well. Hell, when my mom passed it was like a large wall went up between us and it just keeps getting bigger. I've tried, but there's to much past between my dad screwing me from the time I was 13 years old till now. So putting him won't be that big of a problem.
As for my sister, her husband and my niece. I would have to put them down due to the fact they're not that smart when it comes to even surviving a simple campout. I mean my sister couldn't even pitch a simple foldout tent without having to have help to pull a simple strap and throw the tent and watch it unfold in the air. As for my niece, she relies more on everybody to do everything for her and she's become my sister in that retrospective. And as for my brother-in-law, we really don't need the "I can't do hard work unless it lets me sit on my ass..." He's gone without blinking...
As for my brother, I'm afraid I would have to separate myself mentally in order to put him down. And that goes for my wife and my two kids. Which can be difficult, but can be done...I do it all the time when it comes to the hard decisions when you have to put something you love down...
But having to put my entire family down because of stupidity on their part, I feel I would be able to do it without thought. Just later, everyone would have to take a walk so I can deal with it...
It's about time for me to fix some lunch for myself and my brother. So i'll end by saying,
Fear the Zombies and Destroy the Living......(L)
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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