Wicked Zombies


April 17, 2009


The to do list is officially done. I'm familiar with reloading and cleaning the 952, I gained access to the attic, cut out a hole to the roof using the jigsaw, made a door to cover it, scoped out the backyard, then ran off to the shed and got firewood. I'm exhausted. I'm going to gather the police scanner and a lawn chair and observe the road outside for a while.


The neighborhood is void of any life, besides the girl still banging at my damn door, and Derrick's daughter next door banging away. That must mean someone's still alive in there. I used my binoculars to look at the remains of the body across the street. Flies mostly consumed the man and small teeth marks littered his neck and face. It's fucking more disturbing than I always thought it would be. People eating people. It's one thing thinking about the concept or watching it on tv, but when it's actually happening, its really, really fucking disturbing.
I watched the two girls behaviors too. They both had characteristics of sprinters, screaming while angrily pounding on the doors of our houses. I wonder if someones still alive in there. I'll have to find a way to signal into the house tomorrow.
Still nothing but static on the scanner.


I put down my first zombie today, as well as half killing a second. While I was on the roof doing the final check for the night I noticed a brown haired man clad in a tuxedo stumble his way onto my porch and join in on the door smashing. I quickly made my way down to ground floor and went to make sure my door would take the abuse. Turns out that it was rattling on it's hinges. I knew it couldn't keep up taking that kind of beating so I had to think of ways to dispose of them. One sprinter, one shambler. I didn't want to use the guns since I wanted to conserve ammo, plus the noise would draw in unwanted attension. I unsheathed my grandpa's old Vietnam era Ka-Bar and opened the heavy wooden door lock so it was flipped past the door. I opened the door and took two steps back unsure of their reaction times. The second I took the second step the female sprinter was ontop of me. On a normal day I would find this arousing, but given the situation I was beyond frightened. Stupid me I managed to drop the Ka-Bar on the floor so I was forced to pull the 952 out of my pocket and shoot a round, hitting the center of her throat. She gasped and coughed up blood so I quickly shoved her to the side since I didn't know when she'd get back up as a shambler. By this time the slower man in the tuxedo was already above me, ready to come to my level and start dinner. I shot off a round of the 952 and hit him in the shoulder, doing nothing but forcing him back a little from the impact. He kept on coming. He attempted to lunge ontop of me when I brought my legs up into a Judo Hold and pinned my legs under his arms, keeping them elevated so he couldn't lean in to reach me. I used this time to reach out for my Ka-Bar. Once I had a grip on it I lashed it to the side, landing in the side of his neck, puncturing his carotid artery completely. That would normally make any person die immediatly, but not him. He didn't even fucking bleed. He just kept on struggling toward me. I ripped the blade from his neck and re-entered it into his temple, ceasing the struggle, and making him go limp. I threw him off and stood up just in time for the girl I already killed to stand up. She let out a moan of hunger, then stumbled toward me. I quickly played over how I would do this in my head, but took too long. I looked up and with the knife tucked toward my underarm, I lashed it to the side and cut along the side of her face, giving me the opening I wanted. I wound back my fist and punched her directly in the chest, making her fly backward a few feet and through the open door, and tumbling down the stairs of the porch. I only needed one dead and didn't need to risk having to take two bodies outside. Now that I have the yard regulated for the most part, I will work on a way to signal to the neighbor.
I gave up calling mom&dad.
I gave up looking down the road for Maggie.
Almost giving up on the scanner.
At least I still have a nice cheeseburger to look foward to.

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Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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