Wicked Zombies


A Working Theater Presents MONSTER GIRLS (Working Title)

Brave Undead!

My name is Will Holt, and I am a Company Member with the ambitious theater and film development company, A Working Theater. We've done a lot of great work this past year and are starting to get notice. We’re embarking on a new TV show, filming this spring called Working Title: Monster Girls that revolves around three girls/monsters who become friends: Hazel the demon trying to find a way back home, Half-Off the neurotic alien on a mission of love, and Leah the zombie trying to find a sense of normalcy and figure out her past. It's a dark surrealistic comedy that doesn't pull any punches and incorporates the best of scifi/fantasy/horror with the predicaments of the women of Generation Y.

Here is our Kickstarter for Monster Girls. Take a look at our video and our amazing creative team. If you like what you see, help us out! You will be rewarded with wonderful treats and the greatest of karma.

We hope you'll love mix of extreme horror elements (including all the blood and gore we all know and love), spun with dark humor in a contemporary environment that treats these characters as much more than just mindlessly evil. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and consider. Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to connecting with you further!

All the best, Will Holt and the rest of a Working Theater

ps. We are also looking for tons of fan art to get some buzz going to promote aspiring and interesting artists! Let us know if you'd like to contribute!

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WICKED ZOMBIES members appreciation.

The WICKED member who has unyielding Dedication and Loyalty to the KOMRADZ:


The WICKED member who has Outstanding Constancy:

Jessie W. Garrett III

The WICKED member who Contributed the most Original Zombie Discussions and Replies:


They will receive a WICKED ZOMBIES Goody Box with Wicked Treats.

Blog Posts

Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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