Wicked Zombies


Somebody tell me what I should do... My heart is aching, as my anxiety gets worse and worse. The guy I love... yes him, the one who is always on my mind. Some thing is happening to us. He has told me multiple times, nothing can separate us besides death, and his mom. His mom... why? 


My guy's mom wants him to marry specific girls. She doesn't want him marrying scum like me. She doesn't know me though... how can she know who I am? How can she say that I am not suit to be with him?


His mom found out about me, and I know that nothing she says to me could make me leave him. But for him, this could be torture. He says he is serious about me and will fight for me, but I am scared that his mom will convince him to leave me. 


Although I am not religious at all, I have prayed so many times for this guy, being sincere with every prayer. I begged a God that I don't even know exists, to please not take him away from me... 


I know life is cruel, and no matter what I want, we can't stop things from happening. But just this once, I am hoping that God will answer my brokenhearted prayer and grant my wish.


I may not have the worse situation, but I still have something bad, and I have every right to cry about it. In my past, so many terrible things happened to me (do not pity me, this is only information for you to process). The one thing in my past that hurts the most is rejection by my father, and all the abuse he poured upon me for 15 years of my life. And now, because I have finally found a guy who I absolutely trust, I am unwilling to let go. 


Will I be forced to let go of this guy? I don't want him to go. I am willing to do whatever it takes to keep him with me, by my side. Whatever I must do, I will do it. For the first time ever, I found happiness, TRUE happiness. The only thing I want is for him to be happy, even if that means that I must give up my own happiness. Even if that means that he won't be with me, but another girl who will make him happier, I would be willing to let go of him then. But a forced breakup will make neither of us happy.


I once had to witness a friend go through a forced breakup. I was there as she received the call from her boyfriend's mom. I was there for a couple days, and I watched her struggle to smile. I worked so damn hard to make sure she was a little bit happy with company, I made sure that she smiled and laughed at least a little bit... but god, that stress... 


Please, pray for me, pray for my boy, pray for happiness... I will continue to pray. I will send continuous prayers to a God that may not exist. I will hope that life will grant me the gift of love, and allow me to keep it until I pass away. 


My one fear: I'd rather die than hear the words that will force my boy away from me. 


Those are my feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress. Heartbreaks are very bad, but never before have I felt so into a guy that I would even truly consider death.


Let's hope that things go well, shall we?

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Comment by Kitty Kat on May 2, 2011 at 9:08pm
Thanks everyone :)
Comment by MALICE☭ on May 2, 2011 at 8:53pm
It is hard when a mom dislike your girl. My mom has tried to ruin my relationships in the past she just can't let go. I will pray that you get the love and comfort you want and deserve.
Comment by Kitty Kat on May 2, 2011 at 2:16pm
Mm, yes. This was a problem, of course, I know I obviously over reacted. Anxiety and stress does that to me. Luckily, I talked it out with him and he says that his mom knows that he refuses to break up with me, and so we are safe... for now...
Comment by kasumalley on May 2, 2011 at 2:08pm
God, me too. In fact, Scat and I had this exact problem. My mother didn't want us together and we refused to be pushed apart. It took many years to get to a point in which people have accepted that they can't tell people who they can love. Although, nothing is worth hurting yourself over. So if said boy can't tell his mama to get over it, not worth the pain. Hope it works out.
Comment by Scatoma on May 1, 2011 at 3:42pm
I remember being crazy "in love" with girls that mean nothing to me now. It is just the way the fucked world is. I am married now, and I can look back and thank Romero that I didn't end up with somebody who would split cause of their mother.
Comment by Kitty Kat on May 1, 2011 at 6:56am
Yes, so I am aware
Comment by Scatoma on May 1, 2011 at 3:27am
You do know we can't actually be reanimated right? You only die for people when you push them from in front of a bus, or take a bullet for somebody. If some other human won't be around you because the human that created him says no no, then get really upset, cry, and then find another human. It is what all the other human are doing I promise.

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Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


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