Hey Guys,
Well, I'm back...They buried grandma next to grandpa after a heated bit of major family drama...In 96 we moved to TN and since then, the only real ties I had in Champaign, Il, was my grandmother...Well no that she's gone, I don't really feel like my hometown is home anymore...It was just a place I was raised...Yes I do have uncle's and cousins and family living up there, but I've never been close to them even when growing up...
So now with grandma gone, I guess I feel my home is here...Right here with my wife and my two kids...There was always a pull to go north and visit family and old friends, but now, I feel nothing...No pull to go back to even see cousins or uncles or aunts or anything...
Well, I'm back and ready to go...It's been a rough road these last few days with the drama of my grandmother's passing and the drama with my step-son's drama...But everything has reached it's peak and things here have really smoothed out...
Oh, yeah...You know about my grandmother passing, but I didn't say anything about my step-son's drama...Well, he's 17 and is now staying with his aunt Amy in North Carolina...On the first of June, Jason's dad came and picked him up for a month long visit...Well, it was only three days into the visit when Jason started calling the house and describing what was going on...Well, his dad was putting the boy through hell...He was pinching him on his arms like a little girl and giving him purple nurples every day...Let alone the boy wasn't getting enough to eat...Jason told us that there was 8 people in the house and they would only fix 1 box of hamburger helper to feed them all and that instead of being able to get a drink of water when he wanted to, he had to ask for water...And then most of the time he didn't get anything to drink except during dinner...Well Saturday morning Jason finally snapped from the controlling and abusiveness of his dad...Something inside Jason finally reached the boiling point and he lost his tempter...Hell the boy snapped like he was a madman...
Jason kicked his dad in the nuts and punched him in the gut and once his dad was on the ground, Jason choked his dad out...Once Jason started calming down, he realized what he had done and ran for the woods...Of course his dad called the cops...Well, Jason's dad called the house and tried to start a bunch of shit with my wife and me...Well, you could here the fear Jason put in his dad...
Anyways, Jason was found a short time later...I guess they also had an ambulance there and because Jason went into a panic attack, the paramedics wanted to check him out...Well, they found the bruises and marks I guess that were on Jason's arms and legs that his dad was written up in a police report...
Anyways, after all that, we called the wife's sister who lives in North Carolina and that when we found out that Jason's dad lived only 45 minutes away from the wife's sister...Well once we told her what had happened, it only took her 20 minutes to get there...I guess Lee (Jason's dad), was going to try and pull some shit with Amy, well, Amy's like the female version of me...Don't take no shit from anyone and react to the situation...Well I guess he tried to something and Amy walked right into his house and armed with a tazer took Jason out of the house and got his stuff...He's now finishing his trip to North Carolina staying with his Aunt Amy and seeing his mom's family...
I kept telling him that in order to get people like his dad to leave him alone or just to treat him like he wanted to be treated, he was going to have to stand up for himself...Well, he finally did....
So I'm pretty proud of him...He finally was able to summon the courage and his strength to stand up to a controlling, manipulating prick that will only bull-up against kids and women...Now that Jason has proven to his dad that he wasn't going to take or stand for any of the shit his dad loved pulling on everyone, this includes his own parents...
I'm just so FREAKING PROUD of him...All the wrestling and other things I've tried to teach or use to teach my boys to fight back against bullies and all other tyrants they might come across within their lifetimes...I thought nothing was getting through that thick ass 17 year old head of his, but I guess it all sunk in...
Last night Jason called and we talked a little...I told him I was proud of him for standing up for himself and that it was about time he stood up for himself...I also told him he is OFFICIALLY now a True GARRETT...
Well things have started getting back to normal and it seems all the drama and the stress of the last few days have really started fading away...
I just feel sorry for the Gods in our lives...(LOL) They now have to put up with my Grandfather, my Uncle Fred, my MOM and now my Grandmother...Holy Shit they are in trouble....(LOL)
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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