He spent some time snapping the loops along the bottom of the vest to his pistol belt so that the two would fit comfortably together then attached his drop-leg molle paddle that would sit on his left thigh to his pistol belt. On this paddle he had a large pouch that held his 75 round drum for his AK-47 as well as two more pistol magazine pouches and a drop bag that could be used to quickly drop empty magazines into.
Overall between his vest and the magazines already in his pistol and rifle…
Added by Komrad Kommisar Mikhail on November 15, 2009 at 3:07pm —
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After setting up Aidan's gear he pulled down the second holster that housed his Walther P22 pistol. The pistol had a small red laser attached to it and at screwed onto the end of the barrel was a .22 caliber suppresser that he had also had to obtain a tax stamp for in order to purchase. Most suppressors didn't make a gun anywhere near as quiet as in the movies but his P22 fired small enough rounds that it made almost no noise with the suppressor mounted. He had five magazines for the pistol…
Added by Komrad Kommisar Mikhail on November 15, 2009 at 3:07pm —
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His ruck was already packed for the field so he didn't have to change much. It had a spare pair of combat boots, spare uniform with multiple sets of undergarments, lighters, ponchos, weapons cleaning kit, flashlights with spare batteries, 550 cord, 100 mph tape, sleeping bag and chem sticks. There was plenty of extra space to jam in some extra food and boxes of ammunition as well. All of his magazines and stripper clips in his room were loaded so he knew any extra boxes of ammunition he came…
Added by Komrad Kommisar Mikhail on November 15, 2009 at 3:05pm —
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Brendon put the laptop on the ground next to him and let out a big sigh not wanting to set foot outside again even though linking up was a good plan. He noticed that both Aidan and Rebecca were looking at him with confused expressions. He probably should have asked for their input on everything going in on the chat room but he had been a little too fixated on the conversation to think of taking the time to ask them.
He took some time to fill them in on everything that had been said and…
Added by Komrad Kommisar Mikhail on November 15, 2009 at 3:04pm —
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Brendon waited a little while to make sure nobody else had anything to say. He decided he would leave the chat room open just in case anyone needed to say anything further before they left. He checked his list of online friends one more time and saw that his daughter's mother Leslie was still not online. She lived farther north than him in an area that had more infected people. He opened his phone back up and tried calling her again but the lines were all still tied up. He was pretty worried…
Added by Komrad Kommisar Mikhail on November 15, 2009 at 3:03pm —
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Brendon tried calling his family one more time to check on things down there but the phone lines were still tied up. It dawned on him that the internet may still be working so he retrieved his laptop from his room and fired it up. Sure enough their internet connection was still working fine. The news feeds on his homepage were filled with headlines about what was going on in his city. He didn't have any new e-mails from his family but there was one message in his inbox from his good friend…
Added by Komrad Kommisar Mikhail on November 15, 2009 at 3:03pm —
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He slid the pistol into his holster and walked back into the living room. He was sure he looked strange wearing a pistol belt with gym shorts and a t-shirt but at this point he didn't really care. The others had turned on the television and were watching a news broadcast. The front door was still shaking violently so Brendon walked over to their couch and grabbed an armrest and lifted. "Help me get this to the door," he said to Aidan. His roommate walked over and grabbed the other end of the…
Added by Komrad Kommisar Mikhail on November 15, 2009 at 3:02pm —
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As he burst into the room he noticed that Rebecca was sitting up in bed with a confused look on her face. "What's going on out there?" she asked. Brendon just ignored her knowing he couldn't spare any time just yet. He again glanced at his pistol box next to the bed but after seeing how these people couldn't feel pain he didn't want to try to take them out with just 9mm rounds. He threw open the doors to his closet and reached up above the door frame to his Remington 870 pump shotgun that was…
Added by Komrad Kommisar Mikhail on November 15, 2009 at 3:01pm —
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He knew there was only one way to end this without getting himself killed. The man had a good grip on the top of each of his shoulders but Brendon still had most of the motion in his arms free. He plunged his KaBar between the man's ribs certain that he had hit his left lung. The crazed man didn't even seem to notice the six inch blade sticking into his body and with both of his arms pulling on Brendon's shoulders and only one arm to fight him off Brendon was losing the struggle as the man's…
Added by Komrad Kommisar Mikhail on November 15, 2009 at 3:01pm —
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Brendon's Apartment
Saturday March 12 7:05 A.M.
Day 1
Brendon woke up to the sound of the apartment's front door slamming. He rolled over and looked at his alarm clock that read five after seven in the morning in glowing read numbers. His roommate Aidan must have been running even later than usual. He was usually courteous when getting ready for work in the mornings so long as he wasn't cutting it too close. His job allowed him to be up to fifteen minutes late before…
Added by Komrad Kommisar Mikhail on November 15, 2009 at 3:00pm —
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I started a webseries about a year ago on Halloween!
Episodes 1- 4 are on-line right now... Episode 5 is on it's way.
It's all free, check it out and let me know what you think.
Maybe sign the guestbook, I'll appreciate it.
Here's the link:
Added by Corrado of DEAD ROAD on November 14, 2009 at 7:16pm —
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news koming in from the Motherland....
Please read artikle from above link. May already too late!!
Added by Komrad Krushnekova on November 14, 2009 at 7:13pm —
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They are now admitting to creating Zombies on the boob tube. Minute maid is showing us how they are creating animal zombies with balloons. Notice the wicked look on the Killer bunnie once he is changed. All of this in front of unsuspecting children,(future dinners). We must infiltrate this horrendous organization and stop the testing!
Added by chainmail chick on November 13, 2009 at 10:35am —
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As the second shadow over took telling me why they had come to here my hiding place the third figure who was still staying back in the brush jerked its head to the left and then ran in towards the door at full speed.
My hand reached up removed the noose and swung the door open the three of them came crashing into the room, it was Hector that paused and then jumped back to help me lock the make…
Added by Komrad Kolossus on November 13, 2009 at 1:24am —
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I have been going to horror konventions since 1991, when I was fourteen. Always being a huge horror fan, these konvention events quickly became something I loved and eagerly awaited. And I'm far from alone. I always enjoyed watching people have a blast and meet their film idols. I have traveled to many states to meet people of interest. I look at it as a hobby that keeps me sane in a not so perfect world. Enough about me.
One thing I have been forced to notice is the lack of volume that…
Added by Komrad Sunyak on November 12, 2009 at 8:27pm —
whoa whoa okay first get your minds outta the gutter please and wipe your feet
this here is about things we kan spend hours talking about, and things we kan get easily lost in.
For me there are only a few subjekts and i would like to share them so that maybe some of you might get to know me better ( and be klued in on some of my jokes as they get odder and odder)
I kan spend hours upon hours talking about kmics and not just be limited to those of the Marvel or D.C.…
Added by Komrad Kolossus on November 12, 2009 at 3:38am —
1 Comment
So this weekend I visited with some friends one of whom is a "big movie buff" (yet he has never seen the boondock saints, Blood in Blood out bound by honor, of any of the Star Wars.. even the original 3) anyways. As we sat there enjoying our lunkh he onke again started to go on and on about the krow movies and how the last three were roughily thrown together just to make money and how they stole the limelight from part one ( let me say this real quikk i don't want to offend any of you here. I…
Added by Komrad Kolossus on November 10, 2009 at 4:04am —
A good friend of mine recently said "without loyalty you have nothing." And under kurrent kirkumstances she kouldn't have raised a more valid, struktural point. Loyalty walks alongside friendship, trust, love and opportunity in all manners of life.
A person of questionable loyalty is a person of questionable kharakter.
Added by Komrad Sunyak on November 8, 2009 at 10:00pm —
Pushing myself as deep as I could into the shadows, my hand held the machete in a white knuckle grip. The footsteps got closer, and I could barely make out whispers… they were talking to each other but what the hell were they saying. I focused harder forcing the sound of the wind and my heart beat to be drowned out trying my best to lock on to their words.
“Are you sure you saw someone come up here, I mean 100% sure?”
“Yes, and he had three backpacks with him, he’s been… Continue
Added by Komrad Kolossus on November 5, 2009 at 6:20am —
1 Comment
As the night time air flowed through the small stone room, my mind wandered off and thought back. It had only been six days ago that I was on my way home from the store getting a few groceries and what not, nothing major just weekend supplies. When over the radio it was played the cheap annoying static ringing then the warning. I pulled over to listen, and that was my first mistake.
Added by Komrad Kolossus on November 3, 2009 at 6:37am —
1 Comment