Wicked Zombies


Kam 'The General' Summerhayes
  • Male
  • Weymouth, Dorset
  • United Kingdom
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Profile Information

About You?
I am a Royal Marine Cadet in Weymouth, UK. I currently run a ZOCET (Zombie Outbreak Containment and Eradication Team) Called the ' 426th Squad (ECCU) ZRT ' .


We control the Western European Contingency of the 478th UDC. Each member of the ZRT have Bugout Bags which are checked and certified by us every 6 months.
My Opinion Of How/When And/Or What "Z-Day" Will Be...
-1 week: Whatever biological weapon, pollutant waits for a proper host to carry the virus/prion to the mass population.

-- To be honest, pre-ZDAY is questionable, for it requires knowledge of the incubation period for the virus or bacteria to thrive, take over, and be ready to transmit to other hosts
for this version, i will use a viral based infectant, with an incubation time of 10-30 hours. Also, the zombie population consists of 90 percent shamblers, 10 percent walkers (can match jogging pace of a human).

Case Zero: Has some sort of contact with the virus. This is transmitted by perhaps an animal bite, a cut, or ingesting the virus.

Post-Case Zero: Day 1 begins slowly. Case Zero turns and attacks the first people it comes across. in the following week, the area the outbreak begins,"murder" rates skyrocket.

ZDAY /SHTF EVENT: The National Guard is called into action to quell the civil unrest but are unaware of what's causing it.

ZDAY + 1 day: This is where the Panic and fighting in the streets of cities between the undead forces and the military begins.

ZDAY +2-6 days: The outbreak spreads from its origin country to other countries. Airlines aren't shut down fast enough to keep the infection from spreading. Small towns, villages, etc are wiped out. Dead bodies burn in piles out in the streets. In the cities, civilization slowly melts away. Small groups of survivors hide away in fortified locations. The military takes excessive action, including mass bombings of large hordes. In addition, they utilize the shut down airlines as a mass method of evacuating survivors. after being cleared, they board, are taken to a government facility, and quarantined. Individuals who test positive for the infection are seized by lab coats and gas masks, and used in experiments and studies. The government works with universities and other entities in the world to come up with a cure.

ZDAY Week 2: large numbers of infected have roamed out of the cities in search of food, and have found it. The military continues to fight using specific tactics devised to deal with the unorthodox threat. Survivalists and "preppers" remain quiet or may be under seige. Fighting continues across the planet. It is now clear that there is a significant threat posed by the undead. Thousands of bodies litter streets, fields, and float along streams and rivers.

ZDAY week 3: There is no regulation of the laws anymore. Small pockets of civilization band together to survive. This is the beginning of small colonies. survivors with less sense begin to form Zombie "hit squads", and many others begin forming groups that are the basis of raiders and gangs.

ZDAY 4th week, onto ZDAY month 2: The military has retreated to isolated bases. Cities are in shambles. Millions have become infected. The air forces of the world continue to attack the large hordes with power, but are becoming low on supplies to continue an air attack. To much surprise, many infrastructural systems such as power plants remain online until shut down by automated systems. These facilities pose little risk to anyone so long as no outside force tampers with them (such as nuclear power plants). Formerly average men and women fight to the death over a can of food. Smaller groups located closer to cities begin to perish as ammunition runs out.

ZDAY, months 3-6: Now, much of civilization has crumbled. The military no longer attempts to attack the remaining infected, or defend its people. By now, water systems, including sanitation, have surely backed up or shut down. This means that people can't just hide in their homes anymore.

ZDAY, 7-12 months: Pockets of civilization start to build. The military may conduct small runs on groups of "bad" people. They will destroy the groups that pose the greatest threat.This is where a Civil War begins.

ZDAY, year 2: The governments come out of hiding at various times, depending on whether they still exist, and if the country is manageable.
In The First Hours Of "Z-Day" I Would Go...
These crucial 24 hours become a Godsend for those who are prepared. By that, I mean that they will be able to just lock down their home, arm up, check food and water supplies, and call loved ones. The rest of the world scrambles to find a solution to the chaos of Z-Day. I have a Pre-Prepared BOL Which is the ZRTs command centre with a supplies cache consisting of (roughly) :
2 Crates of 75 MREs
100GL Tank of water
Bivi x5
25x tent pegs
sleeping bag x5
Bivi bag x5
Box of 1500 water-purification tablets
Jetboil cooker x5
Ka Bar knife
150yds of Abseiling Rope

+ Much More.
My Ideal Weapon(s) To Use During "Z-Day"...
L85A2 AFV. But i only have a 5% chance of finding one.
Other Than Zombies I Would Have To Worry About...
Raiders/ Gangs
Picking up too many survivors- I already have to feed the command envoy of the ZRT. They would leech off of our supplies and we cannot afford to feed more than 4 extras.

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At 11:03pm on February 5, 2016, saint.357 said…


At 4:53pm on February 5, 2012, Komrad Venessa Wicked☭ said…

At 8:33pm on December 20, 2011, Lady Wicked Wolf said…

IT IS AN HONOR TO 426th ZOCET part  of the Wolf Pack

At 4:27pm on October 24, 2011, Lady Wicked Wolf said…
At 11:25am on October 2, 2011, Komrad Gas Mask Killer☭ said…
At 10:36pm on September 29, 2011, Komrad Venessa Wicked☭ said…
Greetings 'The General' Summerhayes Welkome To Wicked Zombies...
At 2:50pm on September 29, 2011, KOMRAD RHINO☭ said…

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Jessie W. Garrett III

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Blog Posts

Been Awhile, BUt I'm still Alive

Greetings Everyone,    Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…


Posted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment

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