By JonathanBarkan on April 3, 2016
A few days ago, Square Enix turned off the online servers for Final Fantasy XI, effectively ending the fading life of the console, which sold a monstrous 155 million units during its run. Released in 2000, the unit became a staple in many households, often recognized as the best DVD player ever released as well as one of the most resilient gaming consoles next to the Nintendo 64. According to Wiki, nearly 3,900 games were created for the console, ranging from puzzles to adventure, action to horror, children’s to mature, and everything in between. I’m sure arguments could be made that the console was a revolutionary release, one that changed the face of video gaming forever, although it owed much of its fame and fortune to the Playstation 1, which sold over 100 million units.
My Playstation 2 was a first generation unit and I was one of the lucky few that got the console the day it came out. Since then, I owned and played games from a wide variety of genres but I always fell back upon the survival horror and creepy titles. And with the news of the past week, I felt a sudden nostalgia towards the console and wanted to give it some love. That’s why this discussion post is geared towards that lovely little black box.
As I stated above, I played a lot of horror games on the PS2 and I want to tell you about a few of them. Then, I want you to tell me your own favorites in the comments below! Let’s do this!
Let’s kick things off with what many consider to be one of the most terrifying and scariest games of all time: Fatal Frame. I remember buying this game at Gamestop because it was only $20. I’d heard rumors of it being something really haunting but I had no idea what I was in store for. I stayed at my friend’s place that night because we both wanted to test it out and we ended up being too scared to go to sleep.
The setting is fantastic, the mechanics are wonderful at making you feel damn near helpless, and the music is spine-tingling.
Many times while playing a horror game, I found myself thinking, “If only I could just beat the everliving shit out of these monsters, I’d be alright.” Enter The Suffering, a game where you could basically do just that.
This game never really scared me but I can’t deny the horrific nature of its foundation. An ex-con trying to escape a prison that’s filled with monstrosities? Absolutely perfect!
Leave it to Rockstar to take the controversy of the Grand Theft Auto games and create something so much more violent and brutal that people kinda stopped caring about the fact that you could shoot prostitutes after banging them in some random back alley.
Manhunt was so controversial that it was banned from several countries and it was the subject of news headlines for a while. And you know what? I can totally understand why people were talking about it. It’s a fucking gruesome game! The executions are horrific, the gore intense (for the time), and the premise rather unpleasant, to put it mildly. If you haven’t played this game, watch some longplays on YouTube and you’ll see what all the fuss was about.
I bought Siren at my local Hollywood Video for $9.99 during a holiday sale and it was one of the best things I could’ve done. Many claim that it’s the hybrid between Silent Hill and, strangely enough, Metal Gear Solid, particularly the stealth elements of the latter. And while the game is not without its flaws (trust me, there are several), it has an amazing atmosphere and it really takes the J-horror craze of the time and puts it into video game form. If you can track down a copy, do it. It’s 100% worth your time.
Did you really think I could make this list and not have Silent Hill 2 on here? Considered to be not only one of the best horror games of the Playstation 2, considered to be not only the best of the Silent Hill franchise (this can be argued by some), Silent Hill 2 is often considered to be one of the best horror games in the history of video games.
And while the game sports a stunning soundtrack (thanks Akira Yamaoka!), horrific monster designs (Pyramid Head is now one of the most iconic video game characters ever released), and a stunning atmosphere that exudes terror, it’s most known for having a brilliant storyline that actually affects players as they learn the truth of James Sunderland and his wife Mary.
I remember seeing the game’s trailer and being absolutely blown away. I knew that not only did I need to own the game, I needed to own the soundtrack as well. And when I bought the game, I played it from beginning to end in one sitting only to stop and start it all over again. It got to the point where I was able to beat the game without saving once and complete it in around two hours. Yeah, I was that obsessed with it.
This game is not just a classic, it’s a piece of video game history.
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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