Hey friends... if you are interested in submitting a short story for the zombie anthology I'm publishing and want to see an example of what is needed. I have added my recent submission as a blog post…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Keith Carpenter Mar 19, 2011.
Hey Wicked Zombies,The winner for the Keith Carpenter Zombie Novel give-away contest has been chosen.If you want to know who the winner is please visit…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Komrad Venessa Wicked☭ Mar 21, 2011.
Hey Wicked zombie friends, I have brainstormed a new novel idea with a couple of my other wicked zombie friends and I am going to publish it. It's a zombie anthology, but the twist is that it is…Continue
Tags: books, cook, anthologies, novels, zombie
Started this discussion. Last reply by kasumalley Apr 26, 2011.
Hey Zombie loving friends... it's good to be back here. Hope to catch up with my pals here on WZ. Part of the reason I've been away and so busy is because I've been putting together this new novel / anthology / zombie survival diary. Check it out on Amazon.... like it if you would.... and hell.... order a copy while you're there. It's also available on Smashwords and in…
Posted on August 10, 2012 at 4:42am — 4 Comments
As a fun and friendly way to bring in the new year I want to offer the digital versions of both my zombie novels at a 25% discount in the month of January. Click here to order now.
Happy New Year to all of…
ContinuePosted on January 4, 2012 at 1:09am
I am working on a new project. It's based on a zombie diary series I have started writing on my website and I'm currently working with a producer to turn the diary into a radio drama. Currently I have the pilots of episode One and Two on my website. I would love it if you guys would give them a listen and let me know what you think. We're hoping to turn this into an ongoing…
Posted on December 23, 2011 at 10:36pm — 1 Comment
Earlier this year there was what I felt was a great idea for a new zombie novel, brainstormed here in the chatroom. As a result of the brainstorming session, I decided to put together a zombie anthology "survival cookbook". I regret to say that due to the lack of submissions (basically peeps who said they would submit, didn't) I am not going to have enough material to…
ContinuePosted on November 29, 2011 at 1:05am
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Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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