Started this discussion. Last reply by Komrad Mercenary☭ Jun 10, 2010.
What happened between the point where Nana opened her eyes and the moment I found myself here is a confusing, violent and mutinous mess.
"Here" is one of the many discarded outhouses of the farm. It's not much more than a concrete shack.
There's no power and the light outside is starting to fade. I have one of our remaining glow sticks, un-opened, in my jacket pocket. They're a precious commodity these days so I'm reluctant to open it unless absolutely…
ContinuePosted on November 15, 2010 at 5:00am — 3 Comments
I remember those words so clearly.
They hit me like a sledgehammer dipped in pure spring water-
"help us..." she'd said.
Was Nana alive!?
I was still in the doorway as Rampage appeared at my shoulder and his people followed him. As I ran over to Nana I didn't want to believe it in case it wasn't true. I knelt down next to her, her face was caked in blood, one eye was puffed and swollen and it was several seconds before I could bring…
ContinuePosted on July 13, 2010 at 2:05pm — 1 Comment
Forgive my absence, it's been a busy few months. All will be explained one day.
Oh, and Lloyd's dead.... but, as is my habit, I digress...
The day is the Victory at Jubilee Beach. The time is 12:23pm.
We were returning home, high on the victory of our latest and most rewarding battle. With seemingly impossible odds we'd co-ordinated our "lure-and-cure" strategy on a beach, of all places, with the end result being the…
ContinuePosted on June 30, 2010 at 2:38pm — 2 Comments
Posted on September 18, 2009 at 5:08pm — 2 Comments
Posted on September 12, 2009 at 4:30pm — 2 Comments
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The WICKED member who has unyielding Dedication and Loyalty to the KOMRADZ:
The WICKED member who has Outstanding Constancy:
The WICKED member who Contributed the most Original Zombie Discussions and Replies:
They will receive a WICKED ZOMBIES Goody Box with Wicked Treats.
Greetings Everyone, Well it's been awhile. As things go, life carries us all in different directions from time to time but you always find your way home sooner or later. Well, life ain't all fun and games, but right now, things are going good. I have restarted my writing on my book again, and as I learn more about about some of the ROle-playing games I have gotten into, I am seriously thinking about rying to create an actual Zombie Survival Role-playing game. But have not set any time…
ContinuePosted by Jessie W. Garrett III on May 22, 2024 at 12:32am — 1 Comment
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How are you Bolo? Wicked nice to see you!
the title "Komrad" is not one to be taken lightly-it is a right, a badge of honor only given to those who have earned it-do not find yourself lacking in duty or dedikation,for the title will be taken-do your part Komrad-we stand on the frontier of the realization of our Kause
Make Sure To Have FUN & PLAY With Your WICKED Gifts~
I know this is a frightful imposition and one really should not be bothering you at a time like this...
I need to ask you an awfully big favor dear friend,...
I really don't like to ask you such a thing ..
I know you do such alot for me already and I really wouldn't ask unless I was absolutely desperate...
But could I possibly borrow your face?

Wickedly Waiting,Wicked Ways
Raped by the dead, bent over at the grave,
I attack from behind, and you drop your precious roses.
Your warmth rouses me, the hunger burns within
and I laugh at your screams as I tear away your clothing.
Man, Woman, means nothing to me,
I violate their holes, rape the living equally.
When the act's completed, I spill my stinking goo
and as I pull away my rotting cock breaks off in you.
Screams! We Breed! The bitch is oozing with seed
The orgy will not stop, until every corpse has ravaged your twat
We are many and writhing with lust, hate and reek of disgust
Every hole will be torn, battered and dripping with fluids before we are
We are going to hurt you. We are going to fuck you.
We are going to eat you, while you're still alive.
We will sodomize you, tear the insides from you.
We will fuck your ruptured flesh, as you beg to die.
Untold millennia of breeding, a most hideous evolution.
New forms of life after death, and a lust that can never be killed.
We rise from mouldering graves, to beat, to rape and devour you.
Our need can never be sated. Your flesh can never endure our love.
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