My name is Jessi, I live in Texas on the out skirts of a busy city where the loud noise and bustling traffic doesn't reach. It's quiet here, sometimes a bit too quiet.
I work as a dog groomer and live with my German Shepherd Cain, my Arabian Wolf Hound Tazzerin (both Schutzund champions) and my American Pit Bull Terrier Jetta (a therapy o and resdident "zombie mutt")
My Opinion Of How/When And/Or What "Z-Day" Will Be...
"Z-day" as you put it is not something that will suddenly spring to life due to an 'accident' or anything like that.
The "Zombie Virus" or even the "Pyr Virus" is going to be a mutated strain of the current rabies virus. The gestation period will start as a slow decline. First signs will be mood change (as with rabies) normally friendly people becoming moody, aggressive, restless or excitable. Other first signs will be excessive drooling, along with possible paralysis. Paralysis may be as extreme as a full boy paralysis until time of complete transformation, or as mild as extremities 'falling asleep'. Paralysis may not being present in victims at all, occasionally some victims won't exhibit any symptoms at all.
The later symptoms will be intense hunger for unusual things; rare meat, inanimate objects, garbage and even live foods. Along with intolerance of normal 'human foods' and increased dehydration.
The final symptoms will range greatly but may include, hallucinations and delirium, Wide fluctuations in temperature, pulse, and blood pressure, seizures and finally the victim becomes comatose until the final stages of complete transformation.
When transformation is complete the victims will crave human (and possibly animal) 'essence' to maintain their existences.
The infection will be passed (like rabies) through the transfer of bodily fluids ie: Bite (saliva to blood stream), saliva to saliva and blood into open wounds.
Eventually the gestation period will go from weeks to days and maybe even change into hours.
It's debatable on whether or not the infection will make their victims transcend human capabilities or not. Or whether the victims will even be able to produce thought.
In The First Hours Of "Z-Day" I Would Go...
Unknown at this time.
My Ideal Weapon(s) To Use During "Z-Day"...
Depends on if the zombies would transcend normal human capablity or not.
Other Than Zombies I Would Have To Worry About...
Human counter parts either trying to 'save' in infected or trying to use it to their own advantage. Depending on how the infection is or isn't controlled, possible starvation and lack of resources.
Komrad Venessa Wicked☭
Oct 23, 2011
Lady Wicked Wolf
Oct 24, 2011
Komrad Venessa Wicked☭
Aug 15, 2020