We are a family of artists, writers, performers, filmmakers, and horror fanatics. Our goal is to express our creative visions in all media.
My Opinion Of How/When And/Or What "Z-Day" Will Be...
The Zombie apocalypse may be many years in the future, but I believe it will be a medication or supplement that seems benign at first and becomes mainstream, but in time creates a subculture of people whose psychology deteriorated from its use and have lost their ability to feel any human emotions, due to a viral strain developed from its use and can be spread through blood contact. Deviants within this group of people develop a network which coordinates a worldwide day of chaos in which these emotionless people go on a rampage.
In The First Hours Of "Z-Day" I Would Go...
Get my wife, lock ourselves in a room, and screw like wild animals...then grab my sword and get ready for the party!
Kevin Zombieman Wilde
Supposed to be funny, that’s what the sign said,
But since he came, to my home town,
The people here wear dreadful frown.
They lock up their wives,
They lock up their daughters,
They’ve read about,
The dreadful slaughters,
Seventeen now all found dead,
But haven’t found a single head!!!
Bloody footprints have been seen,
Leading from the murder scene,
But then they seem to disappear,
The circus act, is always near!
So if you see this evil clown,
In this place, old Norwich Town,
Just ignore and let him be,
You could end up,
A casualty!!!
Mar 31, 2015
Komrad Zombie Slayer☭
Sep 5, 2015
B. Alex Thompson
Digital Comics / Print Comics / Approbation FB / Chaos Campus
Oct 20, 2016