Paul Manitowabi


Manitoulin Island ON


Profile Information:

About You?
Thirty-four year old Odawa Indian Man. Father of Two Daughters.
Strong willed and physically fit. Confident in my ability to survive though not delusional. Will always avoid confrontations whenever possible. See my survival in the apocalypse as important only as a means of insuring the survival of my daughters and act accordingly. More fun than I sound though.
My Opinion Of How/When And/Or What "Z-Day" Will Be...
HELL ON EARTH. Some sort of brain infection or mutated parasite turning average people into brainless -soulless -bloodthirsty maniacs oblivious to pain. Though luckily incapable of formulating a plan or coordinating their attacks. Incredibly infectious spread through the exchange of bodily fluids. Society will collapse.
In The First Hours Of "Z-Day" I Would Go...
in a straight line towards my children and then getting them as far away from humanity as soon as possible. I have my eyes on this small jail a few hours from my home. It's at least a 100 years old and quite castle like. Heavy Iron doors and surrounded by a huge stone wall though not so big as to be impossible to control or maintain -heat and keep operational. I see the potential it has to be complete self sufficient. though most likely powerless(electricity wise) except in the most vital areas such as CCTV and maybe if the boilers need juice(I don't know anything about those.) it could house 100 hundred people comfortably though hopefully wouldn't have to.
My Ideal Weapon(s) To Use During "Z-Day"...
The Excalibur 2000 Speargun..then two silenced pistols and a AR15 thoguh at first whatever I can get my hands on. Short Barreled Rifle with Quad Rail, Suppressor, and Eotech Red Dot Sight
Other Than Zombies I Would Have To Worry About...
The constant drive of human beings in their forever campaign of transferring the burden from their shoulders to yours...well that and Dysentary, malaria, bubonic plague and the countless other microscopic enemies of the human race..Starvation, dehydration and exposure. Nuclear power plants melting down. death from infection because in this new world a cut on your finger could lead to a very slow and painful death. The general health of my daughters would for me be the greatest worry hands down.

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