Betty Spann


Sumter, SC

United States

Profile Information:

About You?
I am interested in the unexplained and unknown. I am the Evenstar, but I fought evil in all its forms.
My Opinion Of How/When And/Or What "Z-Day" Will Be...
At the rate we are going "Z-Day" will be soon. Most likely it will be a virus unleash either on purpose or by accident, I'm lending toward on purpose for I do not believe in accidents.
In The First Hours Of "Z-Day" I Would Go...
First I need to sit up a safe place, so I would be in the mountains.
My Ideal Weapon(s) To Use During "Z-Day"...
swords and guns
Other Than Zombies I Would Have To Worry About...
Other kinds of creatures and people who would just freeze or freak out and people would commit crimes against others.

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  • Komrad Mercenary☭

    Newscaster: It has been established that persons who have recently died have been returning to life and committing acts of murder. A widespread investigation of funeral homes, morgues, and hospitals has concluded that the unburied dead have been returning to life and seeking human victims. It's hard for us here to be reporting this to you, but it does seem to be a fact.
  • Kevin Zombieman Wilde

    This is “Pogo The Pudding Head”

    Supposed to be funny, that’s what the sign said,

    But since he came, to my home town,

    The people here wear dreadful frown.

    They lock up their wives,

    They lock up their daughters,

    They’ve read about,

    The dreadful slaughters,

    Seventeen now all found dead,

    But haven’t found a single head!!!

    Bloody footprints have been seen,

    Leading from the murder scene,

    But then they seem to disappear,

    The circus act, is always near!

    So if you see this evil clown,

    In this place, old Norwich Town,

    Just ignore and let him be,

    You could end up,

    A casualty!!!
  • Lady Wicked Wolf