Koma White


Brantford, ON


Profile Information:

About You?
I am a scream queen.
I am a geek.
I am a home grown sociopath.
I am a metal head.
I am a protector.
I am a writer.
I am a lover.
I am a zombie killer extraordinaire.
I am a survivor.

I am educated.
I am prepared.
I am clinically insane.
I am terrifyingly intellectual.

I am Koma White.
My Opinion Of How/When And/Or What "Z-Day" Will Be...
No one knows exactly when or how this will happen.
But we all know well enough to make damn sure we're prepared.
In The First Hours Of "Z-Day" I Would Go...
Nowhere. I'm staying put until the mass panic and chaos cools down and I can gather my resources and head to Northern Ontario.
My Ideal Weapon(s) To Use During "Z-Day"...
No weapon is sharper than my mind. Although, a machete and a M14 would be extremely handy.
Other Than Zombies I Would Have To Worry About...
The stupidity of people in panic mode.

Comment Wall:

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Greetings Koma White Welkome Back...
  • Komrad Gas Mask Killer☭

    Viciousness wears a gas mask. -KOMRADZ READY TO KILL-
  • Komrad Lady Sunyak

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  • Komrad Mercenary☭

  • Black Plague

  • Kevin Deadite

    Watch out for this guy this weekend, Koma.


  • Zombie Killa

  • Kevin Deadite

    How's this for a bloody dream? Happy BLOODY Tuesday, Koma.


  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    You have a SEXY Welcome Picture Ms.Koma White... Love it XOXO!
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

  • Enlightened Zombie

    You showing them all how awesome-sauce you are?

    I hope they appreciate it, lol.


    ^ reminds me of this one crazy bitch i used to know.

  • Lady Wicked Wolf

    I listened for a voice crying in the wilderness, and I heard the howl of wolves,
    You see, it takes more than just one wolf to make a song,
    One wolf can howl,
    But many wolves can make that howl into a song of the wild.
    There togetherness and companionship for each other is what creates the pack,
    And within the wolf pack, protection and comfort is always provided,
    We hunt together,
    We all feel pain together,
    We live together,
    We protect together,
    We breath life into the wolf pack,
    We are, The Wolf Pack.
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

  • Lady Wicked Wolf

  • Koma White

    Down Boys!


  • Redrum: the undead juggalo

    nice name...the song was one of my favorites.
  • Lady Wicked Wolf

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Happy Halloween & Wicked Zombies Love~



  • The Skipster

    Dear Koma,

    Thanks for the warm welcome! Glad to see a young, attractive, and intelligent woman is on our side.


  • MichaelJasonFreddyFanForever

    whats up ?
  • The Skipster

    You are welcome.

  • MichaelJasonFreddyFanForever

    Whats up ?

  • Velma Giggle Wink

    what in the hell are you talking about? I really have no idea why you are blasting me right now... Seriously... Haven't been on here except to send a few quick responses in like a week or so... So I have no clue what you are talking about. If I had something to say to you though I would have said it to you without any problem because... you know.... I'm an adult and there for do that. I also wouldn't blast your page to do so. If you would like to explain to me what you are talking about then I will have no problem explaining. However the only things I Haven't seaid directly to you that was about you I only didn't say because I couldn't message you in private and I figured It would be something that you wouldn't want spread all over because it might be embarrassing for you. and that thing was a bit ago when I left the group... So really... have no idea... Here if you wanna message me though. Friend me if you want so you can message me in private. I will accept. But please do not leave anymore rude messages on my wall? Thank you


  • Velma Giggle Wink

    Also sense I can not control and have no interest in controlling what people e mail you I can't help you with your last problem... I haven't told anyone that I have talked to you directly when I haven't.... Again... have really no clue what is going on but because I am a back up kinda girl I have every email sent and recieved from anyone and to anyone that I have talked to on here sense I joined... I find its handy to keep such things... Especially when people decide to spread crap about you. So tell me what the issue is and I will send you the archive of e mails. And just so you know for sure that I'm not doing some clever copy and paste job I can also take pictures of the screen with the emails on it so you can see the original... As for the names you decide to call me... Your right honey I can be a BITCH when I need to be but more often then not I am always a smart bitch who covers her ass... So let me know whats up and I will show you the documented truth of things... Thanks

  • Velma Giggle Wink

    I promise you... I am not the girl you think I am...

  • Velma Giggle Wink

    Oh... and by the way sweetheart about that one thing I said about you that I didnt say to you... While I wasn't willing to spread your business in public I did do the only thing I could think of to do (without spread you business in public) to make sure that you wouldn't keep getting deceived and hurt by someone else... Could have just left it alone... But figured no one deserved to be treated the way that you were. Regardless of how they had treated me... So next time please find out the whole story before you start being rude...

  • Velma Giggle Wink

    KOMA sweetie... look I get short with people who get short with me without knowing the whole situation... I don't like to be gripped at about doing things wrong when I was just trying to do what is right. So I am sorry if I got short. If you want to see what I have I will send it to you. If not... as I have said I really don't want to blast your private buisness in public so i'm not gonna put it up somewhere on a wall. Its not something you would want... and it would probably just compound the hurt. I don't want to do that... So if you don't want to here what I have to say then I will leave you alone... I really do need to say this though and hope you at least listen to this. He is not telling the truth. I can not speak for any private conversations he has had with anyone else other then me so I can not tell you for sure if what he is saying about that is true. However I can tell you that all those things he is saying that he said to everyone else he told me the exact opposite in those private emails I have from him.... So if you want to see them then they are there if not then at least when he tries this again ( and they always do) then at least you will be a bit vigilant about it and there for a lil prepared so it might come as a lil less of a shock.


    Wow... Okay... I really don't care what you wanna say to try and salvage yourself from the BS you were trying to pull off and if Koma wants to believe it without talking to me or seeing my proof of what I am saying then that is her decission. There is nothing I can do about that and at least that way I can walk away knowing that I tried everything I could to warn her about you and what you were doing. As for including Vanessa... Well sweetie she really doesnt seam to have a problem talking and hanging with me and my group. I think she is awesome. Me and my whole crew think her site is awesome and we will continue to work with her and blast her great site to anyone who will listen... Because we honestly like it... So you can tell her whatever you please. You really can and you can tell anyone else you like to. It has been my experience that Liers of your magnitude always get the cold light of day shown on them eventually anyways... So it really doesnt matter. If nothing else people have to ask themselves why right now you seam to be scrambling so much to deny claimed about things that you would not even know were made by me considering I havent made any of them in public... Its funny how specific you get with your comments... Especially with the 2 timing thing... Who said anything about 2 timing in public? Wonder how you know what to respond to... I mean considering I was being so vague and all... Funny huh? As for my flabby ass and whatever other insults you wanna throw my way sweetheart... I don't need to respond to them... Am very happy to not have you pleased with me in any kind of way considering the type of person you turned out to be. I would really think I was doing something wrong if there was something you did like about me. As for infiltrating... Scrambled a lil to hard on that one sweetie... Why would I want to do that? For what reason? and if that was my goal then why in the world ( once I figured out what you were doing ) would I leave so quietly weeks ago for that group? and only send one message to one person about the truth as I left the group? Weird again huh? I mean you would think if I am this person that you want everyone to believe I am then I would have burnt that bridge behind me by blasting all you screwed up e mails everywhere for everyone to see... That would be the thing to do after all right... Dude your a bad lier... and yes i would love to post all the e mails of all the things you sent me to everyone so that they can see the real you... But I will not at the expense of hurting someone else. So scramble scramble lil lair... Even if its not this time that you will end up getting found out then it happen one day but cause you really suck at it... You really don't deserve the trust of theses ladies and they do not deserve to me manipulated the way you are manipulating them... I really hope for there sake that they get away from you soon and start fresh with someone who knows how priceless us women are and treasure and trust us as much as we do them... So feel free really... Blast me on my page... Show your true colors as you did in this comment and have to me in the past... I don't care if your rude... Its like reading water over rocks baby... Gone so fast you wouldnt even know it was there if it didnt leave a stain... I dont care about your validation or your lies... and hopefully some day soon these other women can say the same... KK... bye bye now...


  • Velma Giggle Wink

    Oh and Koma... If nothing else I said makes you want to talk to me and find out the truth then this should... I am a single mother of a toddler who is runs her own business and works another job on top of that... So with what VERY LITTLE free time that I have left... Why in the world would I want to spend it trying to start a bunch of drama that I have to deal with? Thats why when I left the group a few weeks ago I messaged one person and then left it alone for weeks... I don't have time to be dealing with a bunch of drama... I have to lil free time to be wasting it fighting with people...

  • Velma Giggle Wink

    1 i only speak on what I know and it wasnt so much about you as what was being done to you by someone else was all that i was talking about and have ever talked about you...


    2 I meant blast your page with your personal crap so not sure why you wanna be that petty


    3 I am not sure why you are so jaded to think that someone who is nice and just being nice is just being fake.... I really dont know what happened to you that you have to think if someone is being nice then they are that way but that makes me sad...


    4 I am in no way passive aggressive... I say what is on my mind... and i am for damn sure no ones victim... definably not some person on a site that is probably some over dramatic virginal loaner ( by force )... or old man so insecurely trying to recapture some of his youth trying to make himself feel like he matters again...  at a computer screen who likes to try and play puppeteer to make what lil sense of power he has over his own life seam enhanced somehow by literally trying to lead women around with collars and shiny things... I don't have to manipulate... Though you apparently like to have it done to you. If you want to blindly fallow him them be my guest SWEETHEART! Im not gonna be the one to be screwed over in the end...


    as for taken it upon myself to make it so public... Really? YOUR THE ONE WHO BLASTED MY PAGE TO START WITH YOU PSYCHO! I was done with this weeks ago... Then all the sudden I get some bitchy comment on my profile... as for the e mails... what makes you think i give a crap what i look like to you people??? and if you really wanna see the way people look I will post them and you can see all the colors of the rainbow of BS!


    Oh and Bitches like me... Oh sweetie... you have no idea who i am... I call everyone babe or something like that and have for a long time now... i also telll everyone i do... EVEN THOSE WITHOUT A COCK!!! I am also nice and open with everyone EVEN THOSE WITHOUT A COCK!!! You dont know me you pathetic lapdog... Im sorry you feel the urge to blindly fallow a fool and that it will leave you to being fucked in a very bad way one day however being the fact that I have tried to warn you several times and that you have continued to be a cunt to me I really dont give a crap anymore... IS THAT STRAIGHT ENOUGH FOR YOU BABE!!! Not a damn but passive there...


     and what makes you think you can tell me what to do is just blind arrogance yourself there babe... I will do whatever i want whenever i want... as for a relationship with you and him... your right i dont know that... didnt even know you were together until someone told me and i figured out why he was acting the way he was and decided to warn you because at the time I assumed you werent an ignorant bitch... wow... guess that was my bad huh? And oh i will post them so everyone can see what type of person he really is but at this point i hope you dont read them... so you can get fucked over by him which is going to happen eventually so that it might make you stop being such a pathetic blind follower of fools...

     I like most people i only get pushed so far before i start being a bitch as well... I pitty you so much that you are so willing to see so much of the bad in people that you  have to turn all the good into bad as well... tootles PSYCHO! HOPE YOU AND YOUR MASTER HAVE FUN TOGETHER! Because i at least hope you arnt dumb enough to think when he calls you his queen he means it considering one of the first things he said to me was if i was around a few month ago then i would be his queen,,, BS to but so is yours... but anyways... you and everyone else will see very soon... Bye Bye Now Cunt!

  • Redrum: the undead juggalo

  • Velma Giggle Wink

    I love people who respond to things that way... LOL... Oh they are so board and disinterested and really don't care... LOL... Which is always such crap (and usually just means that they can't think of anything else to hit back with other then some petty oh you spell like crap stuff which has nothing to do with their argument anyways)... because if that was truly the case then they wouldn't even respond in the first place. All oh I have been called a cunt before ( which I am so sure that is true ) and you didn't get a rise out of me... Blah Blah Blah... Apparently a rise enough to respond instead of just ignoring it in the first place... Much like I plan on doing after this... Because it really is starting to bore... So blast all you want... The 2 of you will truly just be deleted quickly and forgotten... As for you... Well .. I am afraid sweetie that you fall into the other category of I am trying to seam like I don't care but I really can't finish what I started. So now I am just gonna act like I'm above it all... Either way though send all the crazy drama filled messages you would like from now on sweetie... I'm so done with this... Not even worth my time anymore... Have fun with your lil games... Bye Bye Now... LOL

  • Koma White

    Hahaha! I love it. 

    I'm accused of not being clever enough to come up with something else to say, or trying to act 'high and mighty' because I'm better than this?

    Isn't that what this silly twat just said? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    Shit lady. Pull your head from your ass. 

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

  • Lady Wicked Wolf

  • Komrad Lady Sunyak

  • Kevin Deadite

    Merry Christmas, Koma.

  • Lefturn

    I own Martyrs today thank you very much

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭


  • Komrad Scarlet Zombie☭

    Zombie's Big Boys by OBEY ZOMBIE

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Miss You Babe...


    KOMA!!! its good to hear from ya love. married life is a blast. love it. the only drag is waiting on INS to get off their asses and let her over here. when you gonna be a permanent fixture here like before? we miss ya you know. lol.


    hey baby girl. good to hear from you. been a while. hows everything in the Great White North?


    INS is still being shit heads. they give you a number to call for questions. but call it and follow the prompts and then at the end. click. you get hung up on. drop them an email like they say to also. and mother of all surprises. no answer. EVER. lol. Yeliz and i did some research and found it could take up to two years for her to get here. it really bites! here we are with this asshole Obama giving instant amnesty to those here in the states illegally. giving them full benefits and privileges a US born or legal citizen has. and they can make my wife wait up to two years minimum. five years maximum to join me here. mega bullshit. as stressful as it is for her. its more so for me because i have a serious impulse control issue. lol. i dont know. she and i been talking alternatives. all we can do is hold on and do our best.  


    your gonna love this. some real prize winning shit from INS. when i filled out the paperwork for her to get here. they only asked for a small bit of info and i sent them just what they asked for. i get a letter thursday saying they had our case on hold because they wanted 2 passport photos of me and copies of my divorce papers. they got all the papers in february and have had our case on hold since then. and they just NOW contact me for the pictures and divorce papers. they are such FUCKTARDS! pissed me straight off. was that some real pretty shit or what? lol.

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Hey Sweetie! Sending you lots of Hugs & Kisses! XOXO

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

  • casecloser