Velma Giggle Wink


Haughton, LA

United States

Profile Information:

About You?
Hi... My name is Charlotte. I run a Zombie Apocalypse Web Site named I know it isn't the typical subject and I know I am not the typical person to be talking about such things. I also probably don't go about it the typical way. I don't spout back things off of the Zombie Survival Guide Book and I don't just go on on what all the movies have ever told us. I take great pride in researching the science behind it. I also Love the fun of it because I recognize the fact that if you can't crack a smile every once and a while then whats the point. So we have a good part dedicated to just making you smile. You guys should come check us out. Lots of Kisses :)
My Opinion Of How/When And/Or What "Z-Day" Will Be...
Well I don't think it will go down as clean cut and sudden as you see in all the movies. Which will be good in a what because you will have more prep time. In the movies it starts out as someone screws up in a lab and bam the next day the world is taken over. For that to happen there has to be lots more go wrong then that. there would have to be something go wrong for it to reach another country even. It would take lots longer. On the other hand there would be people trying to cover it up. So for some it would seam automatic. Gonna suck either way. There are several ways a zombie apocalypse could happen. Several potential zombie viruses even ways that don't involve a virus. NanoBots for example. Wrote something up about that on my website. There is also currently a zombie rage virus now. There are different kinds of zombies. Also depending on how you would approach them is depending on where the zombie would come from or even if you would ever need a cure or simply just need to wait them out. All of this is discussed on my site if you want to check it out go to
In The First Hours Of "Z-Day" I Would Go...
My first plan is to grab my child and head to the brookshires up the street. Its defensible and supplied. Will have to do some killing at first but where I am it will be the safest place to hold up while I think of the best way to get to a knew one with whoever I can or need to at the time.
My Ideal Weapon(s) To Use During "Z-Day"...
Well I'm a 2nd degree black belt and am more comfortable with the sword but everyone has to chose there own
Other Than Zombies I Would Have To Worry About...
Getting my family safe, my 10 month old sons survival and other people who freak out and don't handle it well.

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