
Passaic, NJ

United States

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desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meanness: the malice and spite of a lifelong enemy.

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  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    ZOMBIE PLAY GROUND...The children always have all the fun!
  • Komrad Scarlet Zombie☭

  • Stalker Taint

  • Mrs. Slaughterhouse 101

    wicked weekend Pictures, Images and Photos
  • Craig DiLouie

    Thanks for the welcome! Great graphic!



  • Tonia Brown

    Thanks for the welcome! Nice to meetcha!
  • Wicked Death☭

  • casecloser

  • Komrad Wayne

    Not yet...soon tho
  • AngieBaby

    Sweet! Thank u ;)
  • Komrad Scarlet Zombie☭

  • Zombie Killa

  • kasumalley

    How goes it MALICE?
  • Heather Eberly

    Was the best pic I could find. Honestly I think I could find better. thx though!
  • k0mrad_z0mbie_militia

    Thanks! Fight on!
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Have a Wicked Zombies week...
  • Komrad Scarlet Zombie☭

  • Komrad Gas Mask Killer☭

    Viciousness wears a gas mask. -KOMRADZ READY TO KILL-

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Uploaded with
  • Kevin Deadite

    Have yourself a HELLRAISING day, Malice.


  • Komrad Mercenary☭

  • kasumalley

    Have a WICKED weekend! <3 Kas

  • Zombie Killa

    You are so SWEET!
  • Kevin Deadite

    Watch out for this guy this weekend, Malice.


  • Komrad Scarlet Zombie☭

    Have a WICKED weekend! Bad Boy...

  • Ryuk 666

  • Wicked Death☭

    Thank you and you have a WICKED one too Baby!
  • john morales

    You have a good one too, and be safe and have a hapy 4th.
  • Zombie Killa

  • Shanti Crystal

    THANKS!!!Actually that`s not MEOW, it`s GRRR...
  • Mathew Peterson

    thanks komrade!!
  • Black Plague

    How is your summer going? You getting into anything good?
  • Stalker Taint

    Welcome to the Stalkers!
  • Kevin Deadite

    How's this for a bloody dream? Happy BLOODY Tuesday, Malice.


  • Infectious-I ZOMBIE

  • Black Plague

    Make sure you stay cool and enjoy the rest of your summer days. If you ban us from your club its the right time!
  • Full_Metal_Jackie

    Thanks for the WARM welcome :D
  • Robert Evan Howard

    I thought you might find this interesting.

    I am going to start a film about a CANNIBAL. It occurred to me that ZOMBIES would be a natural part of this particular story.

    I thought if I worked with some zombie characters from the start things would go much smoother. I would therefore like to talk to those who might have suggestions or would like to be in a movie.

    Thank you,
    Robert Evan Howard
    1-801-856-3200 / U.S.A.
  • DiabloX7

    Red Ribbon
  • sean speedy adams

    Thx!Now only if i knew how to send a bad ass pic welcome bacatcha >:)
  • Randy Chandler

  • Komrad Lady Sunyak

    Wicked Lady checking in! Sorry I haven't been around lately. We're in the middle of moving. I have to move the computer tomorrow and don't have my phone line set up yet so I might me M.I.A. a little longer.

  • Movie Gravedigger

    Thanks for making me feel welcome, I hope you'll check out my movie reviews !
  • Kitty Chainsaw


  • kasumalley

    HEY Malice! I've been super, super sick and stressed AND have had a ton of work being done on my house. So I've only been on FB for the most part. Thanks for checkin' in on me though!! I'll be back on the forums more this week. :) Rock on.
  • Kevin Zombieman Wilde

    This is “Pogo The Pudding Head”

    Supposed to be funny, that’s what the sign said,

    But since he came, to my home town,

    The people here wear dreadful frown.

    They lock up their wives,

    They lock up their daughters,

    They’ve read about,

    The dreadful slaughters,

    Seventeen now all found dead,

    But haven’t found a single head!!!

    Bloody footprints have been seen,

    Leading from the murder scene,

    But then they seem to disappear,

    The circus act, is always near!

    So if you see this evil clown,

    In this place, old Norwich Town,

    Just ignore and let him be,

    You could end up,

    A casualty!!!
  • monkeycstars (cassandra)

    Thanks for the welcome Malice

  • Big Horn Samurai

    thanks for the request dude.  be sure to get in tune with our ZomRomCom:


  • Full_Metal_Jackie

    poppin in to say OHAI!!!!!
  • Molly Brown

    Thanks for your nice comment on my new video. Glad you liked it!