My Opinion Of How/When And/Or What "Z-Day" Will Be...
Who knows, just be ready when it happens
In The First Hours Of "Z-Day" I Would Go...
Pack up all of my weapons, ammunition, emergency kit, and food and water and go to my secluded cabin in the woods. Of course first thing pull up the stairs and board up low windows. Take inventory of supplies, plan my next move.
My Ideal Weapon(s) To Use During "Z-Day"...
The Judge. 45 Colt (or 4/10 shotgun shells if your feeling frisky). And of course my break-open side-by-side 20 gauge
Other Than Zombies I Would Have To Worry About...
Who I would bring with me, or depending on how bad things are who can come with me
Newscaster: It has been established that persons who have recently died have been returning to life and committing acts of murder. A widespread investigation of funeral homes, morgues, and hospitals has concluded that the unburied dead have been returning to life and seeking human victims. It's hard for us here to be reporting this to you, but it does seem to be a fact.
Komrad Lady Sunyak
May 5, 2011
May 5, 2011
Kitty Chainsaw
May 5, 2011
Welcome to Wicked Zombies.
May 5, 2011
Komrad Sunyak
May 5, 2011
Wicked Death☭
May 5, 2011
Komrad Lady Sunyak
May 6, 2011
Komrad Venessa Wicked☭
May 6, 2011
Komrad Venessa Wicked☭
May 6, 2011
Zombie Killa
May 7, 2011
Komrad Scotty ☭
May 9, 2011
May 10, 2011
Komrad Gas Mask Killer☭
May 11, 2011
Komrad Dead Warrior☭
May 13, 2011
Komrad Scarlet Zombie☭
May 21, 2011
Komrad Mercenary☭
May 22, 2011
Komrad Mercenary☭
Aug 21, 2011
Komrad Venessa Wicked☭
Aug 21, 2011