Cobra Kommander


Deltona, FL

United States

Profile Information:

About You?
Former US Army Counterintelligence Agent.
Leader of COBRA forces.
My Opinion Of How/When And/Or What "Z-Day" Will Be...
It will start small, hidden by the government until it gets out of control. Then all hell breaks loose, the government losses control, people panic, and then, only the strong will survive...
In The First Hours Of "Z-Day" I Would Go...
Like I'm going to tell you...
My Ideal Weapon(s) To Use During "Z-Day"...
Currently use: AMD-65, Glock 17, Walther PK380, a few others, and various mele weapons...
Other Than Zombies I Would Have To Worry About...
The reminance of the government and other survival groups.

Comment Wall:

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  • 101st Sektor

    Have A Wicked Weekend
  • 101st Sektor

    Do Something wicked today, and Share it! Have a Wicked Tuesday.
  • 101st Sektor

    Have a Wicked Weekend!!!
  • 101st Sektor

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

  • 101st Sektor

    Have a Wicked Week!!
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Nice Relaxing Bath... Yummy Good Time!
  • 101st Sektor

  • 101st Sektor

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    I am Patrick, a sinner, most uncultivated and least of all the faithful and despised in the eyes of many.
    Saint Patrick

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Have a WICKED day...

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Your dedication and loyalty is unwavering.

  • Komrad Scarlet Zombie☭

    Komrad ~ Red Zombies Are Among Us And Very Dangerous!

  • Komrad Gas Mask Killer☭

    Cobra Kommander for the people we kill the undead.

  • The Dread Pirate Boodrow

    Thanks for joining the fleet!
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Welkome back Cobra Kommander for the struggles of the people.

  • Komrad Scarlet Zombie☭

  • Komrad Dead Warrior☭

    Welkome back Cobra Kommander!

  • Komrad Dead Warrior☭

  • The Dread Pirate Boodrow

    The road to Victory will be fought by Citizen Soldiers. Some will have fine uniforms. Most will have only the clothes on their backs.

    In the civil war, Union troops all had uniforms.
    Conferates did have uniforms, but most wore only the clothes the had worn on the farm. Since most did not have money for uniforms.

    Citizen soldiers will bear the heaviest burden since they will have to make do with less
    But victory will still be ours!
  • Komrad Dead Warrior☭

    I am recruiting all the Babes I can!
  • Zombie Killa

    Beware the Hunt is on.

  • Komrad Gas Mask Killer☭

    Gas Mask
    Three eyes or two and a mouth
    Gaping, black
    A snout-like nose
    Diluting the poisons to the vessel within
    That face of fear
    That skeletal mask
    Shields the bearer
    From the very air
    That he once breathed.

  • Komrad Mercenary☭


  • Wicked Death☭

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Thank You for the Birthday Wishes. XOXO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Wicked Death☭

    Find your WICKED WAYS this weekend.

    Raped by the dead, bent over at the grave,
    I attack from behind, and you drop your precious roses.
    Your warmth rouses me, the hunger burns within
    and I laugh at your screams as I tear away your clothing.

    Man, Woman, means nothing to me,
    I violate their holes, rape the living equally.
    When the act's completed, I spill my stinking goo
    and as I pull away my rotting cock breaks off in you.

    Screams! We Breed! The bitch is oozing with seed
    The orgy will not stop, until every corpse has ravaged your twat
    We are many and writhing with lust, hate and reek of disgust
    Every hole will be torn, battered and dripping with fluids before we are

    We are going to hurt you. We are going to fuck you.
    We are going to eat you, while you're still alive.
    We will sodomize you, tear the insides from you.
    We will fuck your ruptured flesh, as you beg to die.

    Untold millennia of breeding, a most hideous evolution.
    New forms of life after death, and a lust that can never be killed.
    We rise from mouldering graves, to beat, to rape and devour you.
    Our need can never be sated. Your flesh can never endure our love.

  • Zombie Killa

    The Walking Dead will make our week so very WICKED.

  • Wicked Death☭

    Dear Friend,

    I know this is a frightful imposition and one really should not be bothering you at a time like this...

    I need to ask you an awfully big favor dear friend,...

    I really don't like to ask you such a thing ..

    I know you do such alot for me already and I really wouldn't ask unless I was absolutely desperate...

    But could I possibly borrow your face?

    Wickedly Waiting,
    Wicked Ways
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

  • Robert Elrod + Monster Portraits


  • Komrad Mercenary☭

  • Komrad Scarlet Zombie☭

  • Wicked Death☭

    Kommander I will have what I ask for...Thanks!
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

  • Kitty Chainsaw

    Cobra Commander Kicks Puppy Pictures, Images and Photos

    but not kitties i

    thanks for the friend request : )
  • Kitty Chainsaw

    lol.....well that's good then,i feel safe ;)

    i found this for you...

  • Komrad Scarlet Zombie☭

    A ghoul in life, I have been called, and so would be in death; let us then, love, be both enthralled as zombies. What loss breath? Our love is worth more than such things as breath and life and laughter; I long to live unlife with you, and eat you ever after.

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Have A Wicked Wonderful Zombies Weekend...

  • Komrad Scarlet Zombie☭

    Cobra and Komradz Ready To Kill!

  • Kitty Chainsaw

    Zombie greetings Pictures, Images and Photos
  • Komrad Mercenary☭

  • Wicked Death☭

  • Wicked Death☭

    Wicked Kisses ...

  • Komrad Sunyak

    Happy holidays, Komrad!
  • Komrad Mercenary☭

  • Wicked Death☭

    Let's be NAUGHTY and save Santa the trip......WICKED WAYS!