Jose Wolfster Martinez


Seattle, WA

United States

Profile Information:

About You?
I have been a horror fan forever, love zombie movies of all kinds especially the foreign type films. Dead Snow is a good one. I love fishing, movies, doing zombie walks and taking pictures of whatever. I am married and enjoy my life and live it to the best I can.
My Opinion Of How/When And/Or What "Z-Day" Will Be...
Z-day will be whatever it wants to be, it is how we face life now and live it that determines how you will survive that day. If you live in fear, you will die from it, if you face life head on, you will live to survive almost anything. If you stand your ground, life will be what you choose it to be. Thats reality:)
In The First Hours Of "Z-Day" I Would Go...
I would go high ground and set up for the final confrontation and be aware of all that surrounds me and be ready for whatever comes my way.
My Ideal Weapon(s) To Use During "Z-Day"...
I would have plenty of ammo for 60 and 50 cal machine guns and a couple of nice swords plus a nice gas mask and plenty of body armor and a 6x6 truck to run em over.
Other Than Zombies I Would Have To Worry About...
Infections and an air born virus...and food to eat and clean water.

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