I like anime, horror, the supernationl... I am a bad speller sorry and i like to watch movies, listen to music, play sports, read books, play video games and chat online.
My Opinion Of How/When And/Or What "Z-Day" Will Be...
hell will break loose, people will be lost and helpless, the Gov.'s of the world well lose it and fall. BUT some will live on and make sure the humankind will live on.
In The First Hours Of "Z-Day" I Would Go...
Make sure my army will rise on the darkest hour of the world and fought on.
My Ideal Weapon(s) To Use During "Z-Day"...
shotguns, long range weapons, rilfes, and TONS of ammo
That sounds tasty,if it's sweet & sugary I'm down with that...haha.
Imma sit down,put my feet up & get comfy,whilst I sip my tea & eat my sweetbread....nice. :)
Thanks for the photo comments....lol.No I won't chop your arms & legs off to feed to the hounds,if I did who's going to bring me my tea & sweetbreads...haha :)
i am good thanks my lord.
i have had too many late nights playing Halo with kas & scatoma since they got back online though....good times :)
the comment about the goose is a joke between me & kas.it originates from a song called "amazing horse",we love it,it's so catchy & funny.so when she found the kitty on a goose picture she turned it into a joke about the song.
the first line of the "amazing horse" song is...
"look at my horse,my horse is amazing,give it a lick,mmmmm it tastes just like raisins"
Kitty Chainsaw
Apr 23, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
Apr 24, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
My weekend was ok.I spent it sleeping,socialising,playing scrabble & playing Halo...lol
Apr 27, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
Apr 28, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
Apr 28, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
May 7, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
Where's the biscuits though?
You should have some to dunk.
May 8, 2010
Komrad Venessa Wicked☭
May 8, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
Imma sit down,put my feet up & get comfy,whilst I sip my tea & eat my sweetbread....nice. :)
May 9, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
May 10, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
May 10, 2010
Komrad Gas Mask Killer☭
May 11, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
May 11, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
May 11, 2010
Komrad Dead Warrior☭
May 11, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
May 13, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
May 15, 2010
Komrad Venessa Wicked☭
May 15, 2010
Zombie Killa
May 20, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
May 21, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
May 21, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
I hope your weekend is a good one too.
May 21, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
May 23, 2010
Komrad Mercenary☭
May 25, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
May 25, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
May 27, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
May 28, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
May 29, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
May 30, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
May 31, 2010
Komrad Scarlet Zombie☭
Jun 3, 2010
Komrad Gas Mask Killer☭

Have a WICKED Weekend WZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Jun 4, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
Jun 9, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
My Lord,Lady Miss Kitty is vegetarian with a very sweet tooth.
Cakes,cookies chocolate & candy!
Jun 10, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
I hope you have a delicious weekend too.
Jun 11, 2010
Komrad Gas Mask Killer☭
Than the righteous to reach heaven”
Jun 11, 2010
Komrad Gas Mask Killer☭
Jun 16, 2010
Jun 24, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
I thought you had forsaken me.
Jun 28, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
i have come to eat cake with you :)
Jul 8, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
i have had too many late nights playing Halo with kas & scatoma since they got back online though....good times :)
the comment about the goose is a joke between me & kas.it originates from a song called "amazing horse",we love it,it's so catchy & funny.so when she found the kitty on a goose picture she turned it into a joke about the song.
the first line of the "amazing horse" song is...
"look at my horse,my horse is amazing,give it a lick,mmmmm it tastes just like raisins"
lol.....it made me laugh :)
Jul 9, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
i try to get as much sleep as often as possible...lol
but Halo is soooooo much fun
Jul 11, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
Jul 13, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
I would LOVE to come for tea my Lord.
Jul 15, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
Have a super weekend !
Jul 16, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
Jul 17, 2010
Bob Mares Photography
Passing through on a zombie killing adventure ; )
Task Force Amazon
Jul 19, 2010
Zombie Killa
Aug 5, 2010
Kitty Chainsaw
i hope you are well.
Aug 9, 2010
Komrad Scarlet Zombie☭
Aug 28, 2010