Kitty Chainsaw



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

About You?
I'm the Goreologist.
In The First Hours Of "Z-Day" I Would Go...
get a vehicle & head to a garden centre to stock up on chainsaws,axes & scythes!
My Ideal Weapon(s) To Use During "Z-Day"...
Other Than Zombies I Would Have To Worry About...
My posse...

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  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Thanks for the Great Konversation!

  • Michael olson

    Thank you I had a bad week

  • kasumalley

    Here's to a good, creative week!

  • Ryuk 666

  • casecloser

  • casecloser

  • Komrad Kolossus

    what a great video to come back to!!!! lmao
  • kasumalley

    Thanks Kitty. I'm now thoroughly disturbed. lol
  • RomeroPilato

    You have a killer week too!
  • katie.x

    I'd love to be a part of more of your groups. I don't create any so that I can be a part of everyone's.
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Holding down the Fort I see...
  • kasumalley

    Ahhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeahhhhhhhh!

    im NOT gangsta! Pictures, Images and Photos

    You better be asleep by now or no XBOX for you tomorrow! lol
  • Komrad Kolossus

  • Komrad Kolossus

    and yes you can play with the ball below
  • kasumalley

    Hey Kitty, I rubbed my mouse all over your ball. Just so you know. hahaha
  • kasumalley

    hahaha I feel violated for you. Too many kats not enough tinkle space!
  • Scatoma

    It is to my understanding Brad Pitt's production company bought the movie rights for WWZ and production has already begun. Which rules by the way!
  • Ryuk 666

    Yeah. I'm just hoping Survival Of The Dead will be out next year since it's gonna be a blah year for blockbusters.
  • Scatoma

    WWZ is a half way ok book by Max Brooks(Mel Brooks son), but everybody thinks it is the best so it is super super popular here in the states. It is for sure worth reading, but by no means the best. It is being made into a movie, Somebody spent a long time making the video you posted, it was cool but misleading to dorky people who haven't watched every movie like me and Komrad Sunyak(sorry bro) The book is written like recounts of jews in the holocaust being interviewed except that the people are recounting their experiences from a massive global zombie war. It is actually cooler than I am making it sound I guess.
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Did I miss you tonight? I hope not bekause I need my Kitty Fix!

  • Kevin Deadite

    That was a kick ass trailer. I wish that was a real one.
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Thanks for the WICKED trailer!
  • Kevin Deadite

    The end of that trailer reminds me of Dead Rising. I gotta see that.
  • Kevin Deadite

    So many new zombie films to see. By the way, did you see Zombieland?
  • Ryuk 666

    I saw the trailer to the Horde already. Looks good. They say they might release it on limited and on an IFC theater in which I live near one. Good enough for me. I think next year will be a good year for horror.
  • kasumalley

    Ahhhhhh! Radio Shack sold me an ethernet switch and not a router! THOSE IDIOTS! So no online play. I am SO mad. Maybe tomorrow buddy?
  • kasumalley

    Let me know a good time for you tomorrow if you want to play and I'll make sure to be online. ;)
  • kasumalley

    david caruso one liners Pictures, Images and Photos
  • kasumalley

    8:25 here...So we have a 6 hour time difference. Not too bad!
  • Kevin Deadite

    I liked Zombieland also. And seeing Bill Murray in it kicked ass. I hope all goes well for you this weekend.

  • RomeroPilato

    Have a fantastic weekend!!!:)
  • The Dread Pirate Boodrow

  • Komrad Gas Mask Killer☭

  • Justin (Rebel)

    HEY KITTY ITS REBEL!!! remeber? lol
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Kitty your kontributions for the people is notable.

  • kasumalley

    lol Kitty you asleep?? I'm not now. I passed out and missed out on my Halo opportunities! Scatoma hogged the telelvision to watch the silly Kimbo fight and I slept for 2 hours straight after not sleeping at all last night!
  • kasumalley

    Are you on XBOX? I'll get on if you are. ;)
  • kasumalley

    Let me know if you guys decide to play any Halo. When are you going to get ODST girl?
  • kasumalley

    Thanks for playing with me Kitty! It was FUN! We'll get our schedules lined up so we can play more conveniently. Thanks for putting up with my lame self! I learned how much I suck at Halo today. HAHAHA Sorry I had to run. The two year old rules the roost. She is boss. She needs a little mini helmet and battle rifle. She takes off with my Halo-themed controller all the time anyway. lol
  • Zombie Killer Force

    Have a great week too!
  • kasumalley

    lol That picture is awesome! That was us! I had to explain to Scatoma the reason we weren't going to blast you away. He didn't get it. I was like, "Listen, what if every person we're playing with is a team and they're all trying to get us and not eachother. They can still win and Kitty is left alone to get whooped and you're killing her too!" Then he got it. Every time he did it after that it was an accident. lol I feel all smart because I'm figuring it out faster than him. hahaha So next time we play Red vs. Blue if the three of us are playing. ;)
  • Ryuk 666

  • Komrad Kolossus

  • kasumalley

    LOL That wasn't me. I was sitting on the couch and my husband was luring you into our game. Then I passed out on the couch and was directed to bed. It was pretty pathetic. SORRY! I'm awake now though. ;)
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Have A Wicked week Kitty Meow Meow Meow....

  • casecloser

    Have a Great Week!

  • RomeroPilato

    You have a great week too!:)
  • kasumalley

    Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty! I got you a present!


    Have fun with your cat ball toy. ;)