Kitty Chainsaw



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

About You?
I'm the Goreologist.
In The First Hours Of "Z-Day" I Would Go...
get a vehicle & head to a garden centre to stock up on chainsaws,axes & scythes!
My Ideal Weapon(s) To Use During "Z-Day"...
Other Than Zombies I Would Have To Worry About...
My posse...

Comment Wall:

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  • chods

    LOL thanks for the comment on my eyes! I downloaded an app on my iphone thingy called ZombieMe. You can make yourself into a zombie. Its awesome and its free!
  • chods

    Its hard to read the texts here! bit tooooo pink ;)
  • chods

    Point taken ;) I'll just change the brightness of my screen to read your posts :)
  • chods

    Yay! Thanks for that, just the right amount of pinkness :)
  • chods

    lol...even you had to squint :) cool
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    HAVE A

  • Scatoma

    I have been a Balehead for literally 20 years now

  • Ryuk 666

    You're welcome. Have an awesome day.
    Ryuk Pictures, Images and Photos
  • RomeroPilato

    Thank you for the request.
  • Shiva Sixx

    No problem! Thanks for the welcome :D
  • Kevin Deadite

    Like the comment you just sent, Kitty.
  • Kevin Deadite

    Funny, they work in Left 4 Dead. But I guess in real life...maybe not.
  • Kevin Deadite

    I never heard about that one. Perhaps some video game store does do that. But the place I bought Left 4 Dead 2 at only took $5.00 off the game price. Also, thanks for adding me.
  • Kevin Deadite

    Thanks for leaving a comment on my pic as Wolverine.
  • 101st Sektor

    Join the Alliance!!
  • Scatoma

    Favorite Bale movie is a tough one. I wanna say Equilibrium but I do love me some Patrick Bateman violence so I just don't know for sure. I love the book of American Psycho so the movie is really special to me even though it is super tame by the author's standards. It was directed by a woman who didn't want to show all that stuff, and I get that I guess. It would have been a lot less mainstream if they had showed what he was really doing to the girls. If you haven't read it then let me just say, "Wow! Gross!"
  • kasumalley

    This is a good version of it. What's the best is that Jonathan Taylor Thomas is the main voice. Which Scatoma pointed out to me. I freaked out. "JTT? JTT? Of course!!!" LOL

    The movie is cut up into 10 minute sections. I'm not sure how awesome the quality is because our internet is slow right now.

    Happy man booby, bouncy, stretchy pouch shape shifting fun! (I accidentally posted as Scatoma, sorry 'bout that.)
  • kasumalley

    I think this is a really positive message that I thought I'd leave you with,

    "blue blue kill the red
    red red knock blue dead
    it doesn't matter which side wins
    you're all still going to lose
    kill 'em all who cares whose side is whose
    red may lose today but blue will lose tomorrow
    there are too many with nowhere to burrow
    when you win the battle where do you plan to stay?
    while you all were fighting the forest went away
    red will lose tomorrow and blue will lose today
    slaughter everybody kill as many as you can
    wipe each other out that is part of our plan
    massacre annihilate shoot down the ranks
    do us this favor and well give you our thanks
    it's about time our numbers shrank
    those of us remaining must keep our bellies small
    have another cub and you will lose it all
    the forest is shrinking at such a rapid rate
    we must act soon we hope it's not too late"

    I think we could learn a thing or two from this lady raccoon.
  • Swanee

  • kasumalley

    Awesome! Raccoon ballz and Aerosmith! You gotta show that to Komrad Balthazzar. LOL

    Note to self: Use your inflatable ballz should you ever need to wreck a truck.
  • Emily

    haha no problem :)
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭


  • kasumalley

  • kasumalley


    If only we'd been born in the Hello Kitty! Hospital!!!
  • kasumalley

    elen hello kitty Pictures, Images and Photos

    I didn't want you to get cold!
  • Kevin Deadite

    Hey Kitty, how are you doing?
  • Kevin Deadite

    I saw a trailer for Dead Rising 2 awhile back. But if this is a newer one, I'll go check it out. And it does suck that it's coming out next year.
  • Kevin Deadite

    Thanks for the trailer, Kitty. I will be getting that.
  • Kevin Deadite

    I got so many games to get soon. Hey, you remember a game called Stubbs The Zombie? I was playing that earlier. I have a thing for zombie games. Even own the Land Of The Dead game.
  • Komrad Kolossus

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Your My WICKEDEST Zombie!

  • kasumalley

    It's been a ballz for all on my page! Balthazzar has gone nutty! LOL
  • kasumalley

    Sick 'im! teehee
  • Komrad Kolossus

    oh sick'im ...............


  • Komrad Kolossus

    stop obessing over my balls -giggles-
  • kasumalley

  • kasumalley

    Oh and also...


    Big ballz!
  • kasumalley

    Rawwwrrr! Yummmm!!

    Alright girl, I'm goin' out of town now. I'll talk to you when I get back. :)
  • kasumalley

    Oh muh Gawd, they have a free computer room at my hotel girlfriend!

    Here's to ballish dreams and magic warping!
  • Komrad Kolossus

    oh my spikeded balls
  • Komrad Kolossus

    Did ya see my crystal BALL?

  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Have a WICKED Thanksgiving!
  • kasumalley

    I love all your crazy kitty photos. Every time I see a picture of a cat doing weird crap I will always think of you. lol
  • casecloser

    "I choose you!"
  • casecloser

    You have a Wickedly Wonderful weekend yourself Kitty!

  • Zombie Killa

    I Hope You Are Having a Wicked Zombies Weekend!

  • Kevin Deadite

    I hope your weekend is going well, Kitty.
  • Komrad Venessa Wicked☭

    Did you have a WICKED Weekend? Being a bad bad girl....

  • kasumalley

    balls Pictures, Images and Photos
    Tee, hee, hee...
  • Kevin Deadite

    Cool greeting you sent me. Enjoy your day.